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برنامج Wipe 2024.03 المجانى لحذف كل اثارك من الأنترنت

برنامج Wipe 2014.03 المجانى لحذف كل اثارك من الأنترنت

Delete browser history, cache, and temporary files.
This powerful program can remove a lot of gigabytes of garbage on your computer and recover many free disk space. In addition, it will protect your privacy on the Internet – it removes records about personal activity on PC. You will be able to delete browser history and cache, index.dat files, registry, internet qatarw.comqatarw.comqatarw.comqatarw.comqatarw.com qatarw.coms files, autocomplete-history, temporary internet files and many many other items.
برنامج Wipe 2014.03 المجانى لحذف كل اثارك من الأنترنت


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