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مشكورة وطني هو المجد

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مشكورة وطني هو المجد
ابعد اذنك انا غيرت في الموضوع الثاني شوي زي ماقلتي حسب مستوى طالباتي

Modern Technology
Modern technology is machinery that makes life comfortable and more convenient. . It makes life easier for people. For example, microwave ovens **** food easily. Dishwashers wash all dishes. personal computers, cell phones and the internet have provided various ways of entertainment and helped them to communicate. We use technology at work,
We also use technology for transportation, learning, data, and so much more.
Technology helps to save time, money and material. If technology is well used, it can benefit humans, but if it is wrongly used, it can be dangerous..

اذا في أخطاء بلغيني

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