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Kim Kardashian works out 3 hours a day, trying to be a ‘size-zero bride’

Kim Kardashian works out 3 hours a day, trying to be a ‘size-zero bride’


Kim Kardashian has lost almost 70 pounds since giving birth to daughter North in June, but she’s far from done.
“Kim wants to be thinner than her pre-baby **** and is willing to do anything to get there,” a friend exclusively tells In Touch. With her wedding just a few months away, the new mom is hell-bent on dropping more weight — no matter what the cost to her health. “She’s desperate to be a size-0 bride,” says a pal.
She’s also trading in mommy-and-me time with North for three-hour workout sessions. “She works out every day at 5 a.m.,” her close pal Jonathan Cheban tells In Touch.

She’s still following the strict Atkins diet and is “counting the calories in everything and living on grilled fish, chicken and steamed vegetables,” says a friend. “She admitted she’s barely eaten a carb for nearly four months.”
The wedding is a huge motivator, but so is Kim’s dream of being accepted by fashion’s elite.
“Kanye’s been talking to [Vogue editor in chief] Anna Wintour about having the wedding appear in the magazine,” a source close to the rapper tells In Touch.

[From In Touch Weekly]

Oh, is this about Vogue? That might make more sense than being a size-zero bride. Because quite honestly, I don’t think Kanye wants a size-zero bride. He wasn’t happy when she gained weight during her pregnancy, but I imagine he loves her at her current size. But if Kim is trying to impress Nuclear Wintour with her weight loss, that’s another story altogether.
And if you want some counterprogramming for the “Kim is going to be a size zero!”fiction, The Daily Mail had an interesting piece about the REAL sizes Kim buys:

Kim Kardashian’s shapely bottom is so famous it has its own Twitter account. But, like many of us, it appears that even Kim has problems finding jeans that flatter her famous curves. Now it has been revealed that the 33-year-old pays an expert tailor the princely sum of £3,000 a day to be on hand at all times to ensure that her jeans fit perfectly. According to Grazia, Kim and Kanye employ stylist Cornelius Clay to make alterations whenever the couple desire.
‘It means Kim can buy jeans, have them altered and be photographed in them within a matter of hours,’ revealed the source, who also claimed that Kim even gets her own Kardashian Kollection jeans tweaked.

‘Kim has a size 4 [UK size 8] waist and size 10 [UK size 14] bottom, so she often has to buy a size up and have jeans taken in at the waist for a snug fit. She’s only 5ft 2in, so they’re often taken up a few inches, too,’ added the source.
After Kim made a very racy appearance in Kanye’s music video for Bound 2, it was claimed she may have had a little help in slimming down her waist in scenes which show her writhing around topless on a motorcycle. But the mother-of-one – who welcomed baby daughter North ‘Nori’ West’ into the world last June – has insisted she worked hard to achieve her trim post-pregnancy shape, after months out of the spotlight during which she embarked on a gruelling exercise regime and strict high-protein Atkins diet.
Asked how she achieved her gym-honed physique by TMZ last week, she said: ‘No carbs, workout and dedication!’
And the showbiz stalwart admitted losing the 50lbs she gained while pregnant was the ‘biggest challenge’ of her life. Speaking to chat show host Jay Leno in late October, she said: ‘Actually I got on the scale today and it said that I am 50lbs down. That made me so excited. I can honestly say it was the greatest challenge of my life.’

[From The Daily Mail]

Cele|bitchy | Kim Kardashian works out 3 hours a day, trying to be a ‘size-zero bride’

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