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‘He was a master manipulator’: Jennifer Esposito blasts ex-husband Bradley Cooper

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‘He was a master manipulator’: Jennifer Esposito blasts ex-husband Bradley Cooper

Their marriage lasted just five months.

But Jennifer Esposito and Bradley Cooper have mostly kept quiet about their split in May 2024.

Now the Blue Bloods actress has spoken about a mystery ex in her new book who can only be Bradley, according to the NY Daily News’ Confidential column on Saturday.

In the tome, called Jennifer’s Way, the 41-year-old described being asked out by a man and ignoring ‘an entire marching band squad of red flags’ because she didn’t think the relationship would come to anything.

The actress said she didn’t ‘find him that attractive,’ calling him ‘funny, smart, cocky, arrogant and a master manipulator.’

Despite her reservations, they became a couple, although the actress said her beau had a ‘mean, cold side’ and his personality ‘could flip on a dime.’

Jennifer said the relationship came to an abrupt end after she went to a seminar at the Agape International Spiritual Center in Los Angeles hoping to deal with the deep sadness and loneliness she felt.

‘Within days, my relationship hit an all-time low, and within a week it was over,’ she wrote. ‘Abruptly, rudely, and with the exact callousness that I’d come to expect from him.’

Jennifer then writes about landing a role on Christina Applegate’s sitcom, Samantha Who, that was on the air in 2024.

Since her marriage to Bradley, 41, lasted from late December 2024 until May 2024 that would put the American Hustle star in the right time frame.

Bradley briefly commented on his marriage in a 2024 interview with Howard Stern, saying: ‘It just wasn’t right. It’s interesting… things happen!’.

Jennifer also opens up in the book about her lifelong struggle with celiac disease.

Jennifer revealed she is engaged to British model Louis Dowler on Katie Couric’s show on May 1. She shared that they have set a wedding ate and ********, but kept both a secret.

The 38-year-old is her partner in Jennifer’s Way Bakery in New York’s East Village, which serves gluten-free breads, ******s and muffins suitable for sufferers of celiac disease.

Bradley has been dating model Suki Waterhouse since March 2024.

Read more: Jennifer Esposito blasts ex-husband Bradley Cooper in new book | Mail Online
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