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عبير عن اهمية الماء باللغة الانجليزية

عبير عن اهمية الماء باللغة الانجليزية

تعبير عن اهمية الماء باللغة الانجليزية

قال تعالى:
" وجعلنا من الماء كل شي حي "
الأنبياء آية 29
We have to thank god for giving us the water.
Because of water every thing is alive.
People can not live without water only some days, and this is sufficient to indicate one of the biggest necessities for water for life after the air.
Some people say drinking a lot of water is very useful for some sick people. Drinking every half hour or every quarter-hour dose of water this matter greatly helps to cure stomach and intestinal infections. May not be understood from this is that more frequent water Nafie all diseases, but must distinguish between what help him water and harmful to those diseases so as not to put something in place.
****- Where can you find the water?
Water is distributed irregularly at all because in some areas no access to water from the rain in some other regions hit by the rain to the floods
Drier Place : In the Atacama Desert Balceli do not fall in the rate only 0.8 ml of rain annually.
Wetter place: in Mochonim in India rain down nearly 12 meters from the rain per year
We can find the water in many things like Lakes, the Seas, the Rivers, the Waterfalls, the Fruits and the vegetables and many things also.
– What do they use the water in?
They use the water in many things like building, ****ing, Bathing, Irrigation, cleaning, Industry and a lot of things also.
Recommendation- Ways of saving water:
1 – Put machine of water so that reaches the water to the area that planted and not the corridors.
2 – Selecting plants and trees that need a little of water.
3- Use the bucket and Mop when you clean the car.
4 – Avoid filling swimming pool edge so as not to seeping the water to the outside.
5 – Advise children not to play with water hoses and the water taps.
6 – Being sure from safe each pipe at home, the less leakage no matter how serious will cost, and repair all leaks.
Finally, I would like to advise you’ll to keep water clean, don’t exaggerate of use it and thank god for this great gift.


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