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After Movember .

After Movember…..

Hilarious Before And After Shaving Photos

One does not simply shave his beard off.
by Justina Bakutyte

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November is officially the month when everyone can try and grow a beard with their excuse being that it’s Movember. And by everyone we mean even the guys who don’t normally do it because all they get is a soft, peach-like fuzz on their faces.
But After 30 days Movember is over and so is your beard.
Most of the guys go back to their regular, hairless selves and the hilarity of their looks After shaving made us feel obligated to compile this list of beard shaving memes.
Beard on!
Benjamin Button, is that you?

خليجية www.jokideo.com Easily takes 15 years off.

خليجية cheezburger.com
Smooth as a baby’s bum.

خليجية cheezburger.com Time travel is possible!

خليجية reddit.com All your emotions on a silver platter.

خليجية russellsquires.blogspot.com Childhood is just one shave away.

خليجية knowyourmeme.com
Elaborate Pirate -> Peter Pan transformation.

خليجية weknowmemes.com Okay, this one’s cute in both pics. Case dismissed.

خليجية scruffandthecity.com That’s one sharp knife you’ve got there.

خليجية weknowmemes.com From beard to derp.

خليجية memecollection.net
Do you need more reasons not to shave it off?

خليجية giphy.com Movember is a month-long charity event held during November. It raises awareness and funds for men’s health. You can support it by visiting the Movember Worldwide website.

Hilarious Before And After Shaving Looks For Movember

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