Amy Poehler appears on an upcoming installment of Sundance’s The Approval Matrix. The show features host Neal Brennan performing a weekly pop culture roundup and interviewing various celebrities. Amy’s episode includes a segment about the difficulties faced by modern man.” Neal appears perplexed by the rise of the sensitive yet brawny nerd who isn’t afraid to cry but can still get down in the weight room.
You’ve noticed this phenomenon, right? This is exactly what’s going on with Chris Pratt’s recent surge in popularity. Pratt french braids hair and visit children’s hospitals. He may be newly ripped but also talks about emotional eating. And women love him for it. Men have noticed too, and it makes them nervous. Neil Brennan brings up the topic of the adorkable Renaissance man. Amy’s response to the topic is incredible:
Neal Brennan: “Girls want actual nerds? Or do they want a guy who looks like a nerd and is strong. I’m still confused. Being cool is, like, passe. And now you have to be awkward and adorkable.”
Amy Poehler: “Well, this feeling that you’re having right now — which is like, ‘I’m supposed to be all things’ — is a feeling that women have every day and have their whole lives. So you’re just starting to experience it now. Like how can I be cool but tough but also sweet. We have to deal with all those juxtapositions every day, but I’m glad you’re finally experiencing it as a white male. But I think it’s tough. Like guys who go to therapy and are not afraid of a good massage. I would also love to be with someone who’s waist isn’t smaller than mine and who just kinda acts like my Israeli ****guard.”
[From Sundance TV] how_women_always_feel/