The Hermit Flees Immortality
It was 100 years ago that I faced the biggest challenge of my life. I sat here on Hermit Island, the well known, and yes, I must confess, Legendary Hermit. They say I possess great Divine Powers, and both of these Armies fear me so much, they do not dare to simply overwhelm me, destroy my Temple, kill me and then continue the war themselves over my bloody bones in the waters of the Great River Thaeton.
King Thor, commanding 100 thousand men, supply wagons, slaves and women of their defeated stands on the east side of the River. Queen Norvoll, the very available Female Warrior and Leader, had her 125 thousand soldiers, wives, supply wagons and slaves. The camp fires are burning, and the smell of roasting foods fills the air.
My home is an ancient, beautifully constructed small Temple adorned with gold. It sits atop a flowing stream that [عزيزي الزائر يتوجب عليك التسجيل لمشاهدة الرابط للتسجيل اضغط هنا] comes straight from the ground. This makes it a mystical place. For hundreds of years my predecessors have lived in this place. We Hermits are not so managed by strange beliefs as one might think. However, I have access to great power. My forebears lived about 70 or 80 years. I am the exception for a very good reason. My power, wealth and magic have led me down a long lived path that, as far as I am concerned, has been unfortunate.
The Magical Iceberg and my Cursed Reputation for Being a Holy Man
In the beginning of this conflict, 125 years ago, a tremendous long lived drought [عزيزي الزائر يتوجب عليك التسجيل لمشاهدة الرابط للتسجيل اضغط هنا] threatened both the Kingdoms. This was way more serious than a silly war. And so, this was probably my first gigantic error. I gave the original two armies what they needed the first time. It was also what they wanted desperately.
They had seen icebergs before, but they did not know that 90% lay beneath the surface. Through a fortnight of incantations, fastings, feastings, great drumming and the playing of horns I implored the Causeless One to provide drinking water to these two vast armies. I was 24 [عزيزي الزائر يتوجب عليك التسجيل لمشاهدة الرابط للتسجيل اضغط هنا] at the time. Sure enough. An immense iceberg appeared on the plain above the River. After staring at this gigantic piece of ice, the Peace was engineered, the people gathered and for weeks and weeks they chipped away at this land based iceberg, thus relieving the people and establish the Royal families for over 100 years.
I had prayed to the Causeless One to be granted the life to see this peace finally concluded. Well, because of the peace and prosperity from the iceberg, the kingdoms established themselves, the populations grew and they grew more warlike, though still keeping the peace. They tested each other up and down the River Thor for years. Each decade passed as skirmishes, slavery raids and general testiness were all bubbling up along the Great River.
Thus, I was not dying. Oh, I was aging, but [عزيزي الزائر يتوجب عليك التسجيل لمشاهدة الرابط للتسجيل اضغط هنا] that final last beat of my heart was not granted. After all, I had prayed for the [عزيزي الزائر يتوجب عليك التسجيل لمشاهدة الرابط للتسجيل اضغط هنا] time to make the peace. The Shaman told me to exercise more, so I did. He said it would relieve the pain of my arthritis. I moved around for 100 years. Wealthy and famous, I took on wives. My first wives and children died. Now I live with my great grandchildren and fun people who want to come and look at the Hermit who can die because of the peace.
Anyone who comes just to see me, I make them pay a gold coin. That maintains a tourist economy, let my kids have some spending money, and it maintains the big bridge that connects my island to both sides of the river. This is the bridge that was built back at the coming of the Iceberg; back when it was thought that the iceberg would not eventually melt. Greater prosperity being an incentive to war. the decades brought a [عزيزي الزائر يتوجب عليك التسجيل لمشاهدة الرابط للتسجيل اضغط هنا] simmering situation. Greater prosperity in two peoples insured a continual warlike state, and yet, they were still in a state of peace officially. And so, I continue to age, but do not die.
100 Years Later The Iceberg is Long Gone.
I got more time to bring peace to this land. I implored the Causeless One more and good old War was now looming. My prayer life was suffering. I must confess that as a human being, I awoke each morning with my tremendous power and became convinced that this was My Power. I was not pleased with the Causeless One. Of course, this made me quite human indeed.
I summoned Thor and Norvoll Representatives to my Temple. I asked them if I was able to give them three wagon loads of gold to each Royal Family, would they please not declare war. I asked him for the Wealth to incentivize your two Kingdoms to come to peace. And so, wagon loads of gold appeared on the Island.
On Thorsday morning of the month of Morsugar, both armies gathered on either side of the River. The Royal Families marched across the Bridge toward my Temple. Since I was 125 years old, a couple of my beautiful nieces and one of my great great grand daughters dressed me in a great Linen coat that looked smashing. I must confess, my Hermitage was looking like a Palace. I, the Legendary Hermit and the ancient occupant did not really adorn the place well, but all of the females running around taking care of the place certainly brought a spirit of life and laughter.
I made a proposal. will give you these wagon loads of gold and you will remain at peace. you go to war, then I will die.
Thor aggressive Prince stepped forward in his armor, with his massive hammer by his side and spoke up if we go to war, and you have died, we will have to have another war over who will occupy Hermit Island. He smiled like a rapacious wolf.
This obstreperous fellow went on. you are not looking that well. I like your garments, but we could actually use a new Hermit to occupy Hermit Island. You may be very close to God, and have magical powers beyond belief, and obviously you can live and live and live. But, you could be killed at any time. Is this not so? Especially if we just go to war!
This insolent aggressor actually began to make some sense to me. Trying to stop him from talking I interrupted him. I think I should get an award for causing over 100 years of peace.
The Prince was pulled back suddenly by both Thor and the Queen.
Something was suddenly up. The ****** was changing. There was a new feeling in the room. Queen Norvoll was muttering an old Norse tune. She was smiling at King Thor. Norvoll grabbed Thor arm and they both moved closer to me.
They were smiling at me. Their great robes made soft noise as they got closer and closer to me. Thor adjusted his crown and tilted toward Norvoll.
Thor twinkled and spoke quietly and deeply. Queen Norvoll and I have a surprise for everyone. Even our closest assistants. They looked toward Thor obviously uninformed Prince. Dear Legend Airy. Sorry, that what Norvy and I call you when we are lying together in our secret hideaway, whispering silly things that lovers do.
Everyone in the Great Room was holding their breath.
Making Love on Top of the Hill of Woden
Queen Norvoll chuckled. we meet in your old original stone hut way up on the top of the Hill of Woden. We have made love many times on your Island. Because of your Magic and History, because of your Age and your Willingness to keep on living, we have consecrated our love and romance to you on this Island. We are going to marry, unite our two Kingdoms and move our private Home to Hermit Island. You are the Symbol of Sacrifice. You are the Closest One to the Causeless One.
There was silence in the Temple about the space of the time it takes a Mountain Goat to scale Woden Hill.
I suddenly had an Epiphany. It was as if the Causeless One was whispering directly into my ear.
why are you smiling so like the sun? What a peace is beaming from you.
The words spilled out of me like spilt milk. unifying your Kingdom, peace is no longer the issue. War is not the issue. I have without knowing it, helped provide the answer to my biggest problem old age.
Norvoll smiled as all of my relatives looked puzzled. have done a great work. She walked over to me, grabbed all 125 years of me, squared my mouth so that it was still and kissed me like a Hermit has never been kissed. I let her move her lips and press me to her voluptuous ****. She pulled back and made a declaration.
[عزيزي الزائر يتوجب عليك التسجيل لمشاهدة الرابط للتسجيل اضغط هنا] [عزيزي الزائر يتوجب عليك التسجيل لمشاهدة الرابط للتسجيل اضغط هنا] [عزيزي الزائر يتوجب عليك التسجيل لمشاهدة الرابط للتسجيل اضغط هنا]