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Honey Maid Tells Homophobes to Take a Hike in Best Response Ad Ever

Honey Maid Tells Homophobes to Take a Hike in Best Response Ad Ever

Honey Maid Tells Homophobes to Take a Hike in Best Response Ad Ever

Rebecca Rose
Yesterday 11:30pm

Honey Maid released a glorious Response to homophobic idiots who didn’t like the snack company’s ads depicting gay couples with their children.

Unlike a lot of companies who duck for cover under corporate double speak when controversy hits, Honey Maid is all LONG HAIR, DON’T CARE when it comes to the "outrage" sparked by their latest ads. ViaConsumerist:
The Honey Maid spot, which first ran on March 10, has generated its share of negative responses, most notably a letter-writing campaign from the not-at-all-overreacting One Million Moms.
"Nabisco should be ashamed of themselves for their latest Honey Maid and Teddy Graham cracker commercial where they attempt to normalize sin," wrote the group. "This commercial not only promotes homosexuality, but then calls the scene in the advertisement wholesome."
Of course that statement is one the dumbest collections of words every put together in a sentence. But Honey Maid didn’t bother to offer a meaningless, pandering apology or back off the issue quietly. Instead, they hired two artists to Take the bigotry and turn it on its head. They made physical print outs of their comments and created the following video:

I love this so much, and so will you. This is the absolute Best way to respond to trolls who have nothing better to do but write dumb comments to companies that make Honey graham crackers.
Honey Maid Tells Homophobes to Take a Hike in Best Response Ad Ever

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