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I hate the smell of coffee would a Keurig be a good choice for guests?

I hate the smell of coffee …. would a Keurig be a good choice for guests?

My MIL will be staying with us for a week or two (God help me). She’s a huge coffee drinker and I bought the cheapest coffee maker I could find many years ago. She’ll make a huge pot of coffee first thing in the morning and drink it throughout the day (and sometimes into the next morning, ew). The smell of it makes me nauseous. I know the Keurig makes one cup at a time and also makes vanilla chai (there’s a local company that sells the K-cups that tastes exactly like the Dunkin’ Donuts one, husband’s favorite) and hot chocolate and all kinds of stuff so it wouldn’t just be an upgrade for MIL. Do you think it would cut down on the coffee smell in the house as opposed to a standard full pot of coffee during brew time?

And just as a bonus, what other non-coffee K-cups do you like?

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