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Idiot drives into water, gets rescued by some country singer [Blake ****ton]

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Idiot drives into water, gets rescued by some country singer [Blake ****ton]

Good guy Blake ****ton helps driver stranded in flood waters


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What’s This?

خليجيةBy Jeff Leeson

country superstar Blake ****ton is not only a great singer, he’s also a good dude.
An Oklahoma man’s truck stalled while trying to cross a flooded road, and just as things took a bad turn, a familiar face showed up in a truck with a rope. That face belonged to none other than Blake ****ton, who helped tow the stranded man to safety, and made sure he got home in one piece.

If this isn’t the basis for an amazing country song, we don’t know what is.

(There’s an awesome video of the news story at the link)

Good guy Blake ****ton helps driver stranded in flood waters

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