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LGBT Activists Dump Blood on Olympic Flag Outside Russian Consulate

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LGBT Activists Dump Blood on Olympic Flag Outside Russian Consulate

glad to see more and more people are speaking out and protesting.

LGBT Activists Dump Blood On Olympic Flag Outside Russian Consulate / Queerty

LGBT Activists Dump Blood On Olympic Flag Outside Russian Consulate


Queer Nation NY

"Sochi is a scam! The whole world is watching!" Watch what we did to the Olympic flag.

There’s Blood on the Olympic flag. Fake blood, for now, but with Russian police now arresting LGBT organizers in multiple cities, that could change.

Queer Nation held a protest in New York yesterday, dumping fake Blood on an Olympic Flag Outside the Russian Consulate.

According to Queer Nation spokesman Ken Kidd, “We’ve focused on NBC and major Olympic sponsors like Coke and McDonalds, who pay lip service to equality while profiting from inequality and ignoring Putin’s human rights atrocities.”

Those sponsors have made veiled kabuki references to equality without actually acknowledging any specific human rights abuses in Russia.

Previous Queer Nation actions include a protest at NBC’s Christmas party, protests around appearances by Russian officials, and “Russia Day” at the NY Stock Exchange.

Their demands are clear: overturn abusive Russian laws and ensure safety for Russian LGBTs, who are currently being persecuted by fascist gangs and corrupt police.

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