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Mansion Clings to Collapsing Cliff in Texas

Mansion Clings to Collapsing Cliff in Texas

Crews to set fire to home dangling over edge of Lake Whitney cliff

LAUREN ZAKALIK 9:01 p.m. CDT June 12, 2024
A luxury house perched on a Cliff with a spectacular view of Lake Whitney has started falling into the water.(Photo: WFAA News)


HILL COUNTY — It’s a jaw-dropping cliffhanger that may be resolved Friday, weather permitting.
RELATED: Luxury home clings to collapsing cliff at Lake Whitney
"Like any cliffhanger, I guess we’re all watching and waiting, you know," said neighbor Connie Ash.
A home dangerously dangling on the edge of a Cliff in a Lake Whitney subdivision will be set on fire Friday at 10 a.m., according to Tom Hemrick, the emergency management coordinator for Hill County.
Hemrick said the White Bluff Fire Department will be on scene to make sure surrounding homes are protected. According to Hemrick, the company in charge of the demolition is the same as the one that was in charge of the Texas Stadium implosion.
Hemrick said the fire will start in the attic; the hope is then the house burns inwards.
Earlier Thursday, officials looked into whether the home could be pulled back by cables onto stable ground; it turned out not to be a viable option.
RELATED: Sheriff: Authorities seek options for home dangling over cliff
Appraised at more than $700,000, the home was built in 2024 and was bought by the current homeowners in 2024.
According to homeowner Rob ***b, who is now in Florida dealing with a personal issue, the home was inspected before it was purchased.
"It’s like, ‘Is that really my home? Or is that something else that you’re watching on TV.’ And then you’re like, "Good grief, that is my home,’" ***b said. "Yeah, it’s a trying time, certainly."
***b also said he and his wife purchased home insurance, but they just found out it doesn’t cover earth movement. It is unclear how much the demolition will cost, but ***b is picking up the bill.
The homeowner said he spent his retirement savings on the home and is devastated.
The Hill County Sheriff’s Office will be providing security around the fire, and local fire departments will stand watch to ensure everything goes safely.
But crews are racing against the clock. Rainy weather Thursday night threatens to cause the land to give way more than it already has.
E-mail lzakalik@wfaa.com

Crews to set fire to home dangling over edge of Lake Whitney cliff

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