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Outline a plan for getting things done

Outline a plan for getting things done

Outline a plan for getting things done

Outline a plan for getting things done

To accomplish your goals, you’re going to need an action plan. And to execute an action plan, you’ll probably need some help and funding. Write up a plan that details everything you’re going to need to accomplish a given goal, including the following:
People – Include the skill-sets that will be involved, the hours of work that they’ll need to put in, the minimum number of volunteers or spokespeople that will be necessary to accomplish your goals.
Resources – These might include such things as: buses to take people downtown for a river cleanup; garbage bags, shovels, protective gloves, and masks for the volunteers; pizza, sodas, and a salad to feed them at lunchtime. Think it through down to every last detail.
Money – Create a budget and detail how much it’s going to cost to execute your plan.



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