Kristen Scott Thomas: aging actresses are ‘invisible & that’s never going to change’

Kristen Scott Thomas: aging actresses are ‘invisible & that’s never going to change’


Kristin Scott Thomas told Sophie Raworth that ageism in Hollywood was a “disaster”, and that female actors are still losing out on roles to younger ones. “I won’t bore you with all the stories of older women not getting jobs in film because it’s so boring. But it’s true – it’s a disaster,” she said on BBC One’s Andrew Marr Show on Sunday.
When Raworth asked the 54-year-old actor why she thought it was boring, Scott Thomas replied: “Because it’s never going to change. Until the average life-span is 150 years or something, I don’t think women in their 50s are going to be considered at all viable. I think that’s what it is,” she said. “Sorry.”

Scott Thomas has spoken about watching herself age on screen in the past. In 2024, she said: “When you’re my age, you’re invariably in a supporting role, so there’s often a young woman in her twenties or early thirties who is the lead, and you’re constantly put next to them. You’re watching yourself get old, on a screen that hides nothing.”
She added that she would consider a face-lift, and said that women of her age became “invisible” to society.

[From Independent]

Cele|bitchy | Kristen Scott Thomas: aging actresses are ‘invisible & that’s never going to change’

Bo Derek: Aging is not for sissies

Bo Derek: Aging is not for sissies

"Commodity," she laughed. "And I’ve nothing to do with it. I have my mom’s eyes, my father’s nose. I have nothing to do with any of that!"
These days, at age 58, Bo Derek often prefers boots to a bathing suit.
Her paradise is a 110-acre ranch with spectacular views in California’s Santa Ynez Valley. She shares it with her boyfriend of 13 years, actor John Corbett, and their four horses.
Derek is not just a casual rider; she was on California’s Horse Racing Board for seven years (most recently as vice chair), and is involved in wildlife conservation organizations. And at this point in her life she says there is some relief in caring a little less about her looks.

خليجيةBo Derek riding at her California ranch.

"I realize how artificial it is, beauty," she told Tracy. "I realize that it doesn’t last forever, that’s for damn sure."
"But when you’re so well-known for how you look, is Aging hard?"
"Aging is really hard," she said. "And it’s tough. Bette Davis was right; it’s not for sissies, it really isn’t.
"And there is a certain expectation. I get credit on one hand for not having had a facelift, and then on the other hand it’s, ‘Oh my God, why doesn’t she do something?’ So you’re just torn. I just have to keep busy, have other interests, and try not to think about it."

Which is why she is still so drawn to the beach … a place to reflect on her unconventional journey through Hollywood and a life that she says is still a 10.
"I don’t need a lot," she said. "I never needed the adoration or the praise. I loved the work, and still do."

خليجيةActress Bo Derek with correspondent Ben Tracy.

Julia Louis-Dreyfus: Aging ‘on a public stage is challenging & difficult’

Julia Louis-Dreyfus: Aging ‘on a public stage is challenging & difficult’


On makeup: “As I’ve gotten older, I realize that less really is more–especially when it comes to makeup. I’ve found that a huge mistake you can easily make that ages you instantly is putting on too heavy foundation. All it does is define the lines you have. One thing I absolutely hate doing is taking my makeup off. I’m not someone who can fall asleep with my makeup on, that’s disgusting to me, so I have to take it off. But I really hate it!”

On aging before an audience:
“You’ve seen me age! I’ve been in showbiz for so long. From the first time people saw me on Saturday Night Live until now … it’s no secret that I’ve gotten older. I’ve gotten older in front of you and that is odd – it is still so strange to me that everyone has seen me age on a public stage. It’s totally changing and difficult.”

Making healthy choices:
“It can get really hard on-set and the biggest challenge is getting enough sleep. And, when I don’t have enough sleep, my ****bolism goes crazy and my decision-making when it comes to good food choices is not the best–it’s very easy for me to go off the wagon as the hours of the day get longer. I am lucky that we have a really great craft services that does give us healthy choices and high-protein options, which helps me not make the bad food mistakes. I try to have some healthy choices on hand. I like Kind Bars and I recently found Santa Barbara Bars. I also always have almonds with me.”

On fitness:
“Besides hiking, I like spin classes and I like doing cardio. But I have to admit, I am not so great on a bike. But I do try to do cardio–or anything aerobic–one day a week if I can because I think it’s so important and anyone feels better after they do it. I’m admittedly a lot better in smaller classes and groups though; when there are gobs of people, I start to get self-conscious.”

[From New Beauty]

Cele|bitchy | Julia Louis-Dreyfus: Aging ‘on a public stage is challenging & difficult’

Sarah Silverman: ‘Aging is like a really slow moving horror movie for women’

Sarah Silverman: ‘Aging is like a really slow moving horror movie for women’


Do get your sweat on most days: “Just to keep your ***** healthy and feel good.”

Don’t clutter your life with stuff you can’t afford: “Keep your overhead low. Get a car with good mileage. Work toward buying your apartment. Shop at Gap. Enough with obsessing over the latest bag. It’s a purse. It holds stuff. Get a backpack. You’re being ridiculous.”

Do brush and floss your teeth every day for reals:
“Death creeps in through the gums. And scrape your gross tongue.”

Don’t expect someone to “complete” you:
“I don’t want to make a guy whole; I want him to come whole. I just realized I said ‘come whole.’”

Do be with someone who gets turned on by you being turned on in bed:
“Not everything has to be tit for tat, but a little genuine reciprocity is key.”

Don’t be a bitter ex:
“I adore the men I’ve dated and tend to stay close friends. They become family. I could be bitter, but bitterness feels bad. And it’s aging.”

Don’t lack initiative:
“People tell me, ‘I want to be a writer.’ OK, then write. There’s no trick. No one’s gonna knock on your door and ask you to write. Just write, dummy. Put your 10,000 hours in (see: Malcolm Gladwell), and be undeniable.”

Also, don’t let defeat discourage you:
“I got fired from Saturday Night Live and fired from my next job, a sitcom, right after. It made me gun-shy. But I lived through it. I kept going. As Charlie Kaufman said: ‘Do not worry about failure. Failure is a badge of honor. It means you risked failure.’”

Do start reflecting: “I do therapy. If therapy isn’t your thing, then go to church or get a Pema Chodrion book for $9 on Audible–whatever you need to do to live an examined life. It’ll make your life (and the lives of people around you) exponentially richer.”

Don’t talk sh-t about yourself:
“You’ll start to believe it. Instead of droning on and on about how the tops of your strong, working thighs touch, why don’t you ask your friends how they’re doing, huh? I’ve caught myself feeling utter disgust looking at myself naked, and then I realized: If I was someone else, I would think, She’s beautiful and strong! If we were half as nice to ourselves as we are to any f–king stranger on the street, we’d be winning.”

Don’t hate on your grown-ass skin:
“I know, aging is like a really slow-moving horror movie, especially for women. But the lines on our faces are valuable. When I see people with fillers or weirdo stretched-out faces, I’m like, You look crazy. Your skin is gonna change. Mine is changing now. It’s getting looser. It’s how it is, OK?”

[From Glamour]

Cele|bitchy | Sarah Silverman: ‘Aging is like a really slow moving horror movie for women’

Aging celebrity glitz at the 2024 Carousel of Hope Ball in LA

Aging celebrity glitz at the 2014 Carousel of Hope Ball in LA

Raquel Welch


Johnny Mathis (L) and Natalie Cole

Kathy Griffin and Suzanne Somers

Rod Stewart and Penny Lancaster

Diane Keaton

Kareem Abdul-Jabbar (L) and Earvin ‘Magic’ Johnson

Doris Roberts

Matthew Modine and Ruby Wylder Modine

Joan Van Ark and Kathy Griffin

Nigel Lythgoe, Sofia Milos and Barry Manilow

Alan Hamel, Suzanne Somers, and Joan Collins

Julia Louis-Dreyfus: Aging ‘on a public stage is challenging & difficult’

Julia Louis-Dreyfus: Aging ‘on a public stage is challenging & difficult’


On makeup: “As I’ve gotten older, I realize that less really is more–especially when it comes to makeup. I’ve found that a huge mistake you can easily make that ages you instantly is putting on too heavy foundation. All it does is define the lines you have. One thing I absolutely hate doing is taking my makeup off. I’m not someone who can fall asleep with my makeup on, that’s disgusting to me, so I have to take it off. But I really hate it!”

On aging before an audience:
“You’ve seen me age! I’ve been in showbiz for so long. From the first time people saw me on Saturday Night Live until now … it’s no secret that I’ve gotten older. I’ve gotten older in front of you and that is odd – it is still so strange to me that everyone has seen me age on a public stage. It’s totally changing and difficult.”

Making healthy choices:
“It can get really hard on-set and the biggest challenge is getting enough sleep. And, when I don’t have enough sleep, my ****bolism goes crazy and my decision-making when it comes to good food choices is not the best–it’s very easy for me to go off the wagon as the hours of the day get longer. I am lucky that we have a really great craft services that does give us healthy choices and high-protein options, which helps me not make the bad food mistakes. I try to have some healthy choices on hand. I like Kind Bars and I recently found Santa Barbara Bars. I also always have almonds with me.”

On fitness:
“Besides hiking, I like spin classes and I like doing cardio. But I have to admit, I am not so great on a bike. But I do try to do cardio–or anything aerobic–one day a week if I can because I think it’s so important and anyone feels better after they do it. I’m admittedly a lot better in smaller classes and groups though; when there are gobs of people, I start to get self-conscious.”

[From New Beauty]

Cele|bitchy | Julia Louis-Dreyfus: Aging ‘on a public stage is challenging & difficult’

Gwyneth Paltrow Talks Aging: "I’d Rather Die Than Study My Face"

Gwyneth Paltrow Talks Aging: "I’d Rather Die Than Study My Face"

She’s of the generation of actresses who have defied many of the barriers women face in Hollywood.
And at 42 years of age Gwyneth Paltrow is enjoying a career that is only continuing to blossom.
The actress recently opened up about the ageing process with where she admitted she’d ‘rather die’ Than Study her face in the mirror.

‘I’m not the type to look in the mirror and Study my looks,’ Paltrow explained.
Adding: ‘God no! I’d Rather die Than be studying my face like that!’
And when it comes to her morning beauty routine, she likes to keep it simple.

Gwyneth Paltrow may not be bothered about her wrinkles, but she says she’s got a lot better things to do Than look in the mirror. Well we think she should start as she might love what she sees, because we do!
Donning an all-white cut-out Roland Mouret dress, Gwyneth posed on the red carpet at an event in LA.
The form-fitting number really clung to all the right places and the Paul Andrew snakeskin heels set the look off in style.
If you want a chic ensemble of your own from Roland Mouret, then click right to check out other pieces at Net-a-Porter, as this one is not yet available.
Or head below to discover what we’ve found for you on the virtual high street. We’ve even found a cute pair of snakeskin heels so you can complete the look to channel Gwyn perfectly.

The mother-of-two, who she shares with estranged husband Chris Martin, says she begins the day as most single moms would: ‘I just brush my teeth and try to get dressed and get everyone up.’
‘The morning is definitely not the time when I look in the mirror. I don’t tend to wear much make-up either.’
Paltrow then discussed the experience of being on the red carpet and having her every angle analyzed.


‘If I ever see a picture of myself on the red carpet, I always think of it as the public version of me that’s out there,’ the Goop founder said.
‘I guess I think of it as a character, a two dimensional character. That character acts as a screen that people project their own stuff onto.
‘I really don’t think of it as me. I think of it as an image that’s been created by other people.’
But she also practices self-acceptance when it comes to how she feels about herself: ‘I like my wrinkles and you know, I like what I see.
‘Of course I can get into the frame of mind where I get critical about this and that, but I really try to not do that and try to appreciate the incredible life I’ve lived and all I’ve learned. I like that all of that is written on my face.’

Read more: Gwyneth Paltrow talks about ageing in new interview | Daily Mail Online
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