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Looking Around

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Hello Everyone, I hope all is well!:wavey:

Hello Everyone, I hope all is well!:wavey:

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Jason Bateman: I Swear Around My 2Old Daughter

Jason Bateman: I Swear Around My 2-Year-Old Daughter


Nothing brings me more joy than hearing a tiny human talk about Elmo using the kind of ******** that would make your raunchiest trailer park aunt blush. It’s an enjoyable kind of trashy, like referring to toilet paper as “ass rag” or deep-fried Mountain Dew sandwiches. And it sounds like Jason Bateman agrees, because in a recent GQ+A interview about his new film Bad Words, Jason talked about how familiar his Daughter Maple Bateman is with Class-4 expletives:

GQ: Do you actually Swear anywhere near as often as your character?
Jason Bateman: I tend to use as many as I can think of. I don’t do it Around my 7-year-old, but I do Around my 2-year-old, because she doesn’t know what the hell I’m saying yet.
GQ: What’s your go-to Swear word?
Jason Bateman: Motherfucker is pretty good.

Motherfucker is pretty good, especially when the situation calls for it, but sadly it’s one of those words that will get you a non-verbal side-eye beat down from strangers if you say it in public. It’s the catchiest of 22′s: you accidentally sit down in a urine-soaked bus seat, or some clueless trick runs over your foot with a shopping cart, and you’re not able to let out a good motherfucker because out of the corner of your eye you spot the little ears of an innocent chirrun, so instead you have to use some made-up shit like muffin puffer or mother father chinese dentist. I know; these are the real tragedies.
But more importantly than his gloriously casual use of the word motherfucker…Jason Bateman ****d his Daughter MAPLE BATEMAN?? Bless him and his wife for gifting her with such a delicious sounding ****. Maple Bateman? More like Maple Bacon. I need to stop thinking about Maple Bateman’s ****; I just imagined a maple bacon pancake stick swaddled in a baby blanket, and that’s all kinds of wrong.

Dlisted | Jason Bateman’s 2-Year-Old Daughter Probably Knows More Swears Than Us

حمل اللعبه الشيقه Around The World In 80 Days

حمل اللعبه الشيقه Around The World In 80 Days

عيش اجل اللحظات مع اصحابك مع اللعبه الشيقه Around The World In 80 Days
حمل اللعبه الشيقه Around The World In 80 Days


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Don’t Call President Obama an Asshole around George Clooney

Don’t Call President Obama an Asshole around George Clooney

George Clooney stormed away during his fancy Vegas dinner with hotel tycoon Steve Wynn after Wynn called Prez Obama an asshole.

It sounds like an epic dinner. According to Wynn … Clooney got drunk on tequila shots and when Wynn attacked the President … he says George hurled an F-bomb and left.

Clooney says Wynn was railing over the Affordable Care Act. He says "I said that the President was my longtime friend and then he said, ‘Your friend is an asshole.’" Clooney adds, "At that point I told Steve HE was an Asshole and that I wasn’t going to sit at his table while he was being such a jackass."

Wynn told the Las Vegas Review-Journal, "When he’s [George] drinking, he considers himself a close personal buddy of the President."

Wynn passes a lot of it off to alcohol, saying, "Clooney’s fun to be with when he’s sober … If you have a chance to drink with him, you want to get there early, and Don’t stay late."

For Clooney’s part he says there were 9 people at the dinner 2 weeks ago at Botero restaurant at Wynn’s Encore hotel, adding, "It had nothing to do with politics and everything to do with character."

For Wynn’s part, he says, "Every**** who’s in my business — the casino business — knows to take actors with a grain of salt."

Read more: https://www.tmz.com#ixzz2zjyKQXA6