Big Bang Theory Stars Refuse to Film Unless They Get $1 M per Ep

Big Bang Theory Stars Refuse to Film Unless They Get $1 M per Ep

Today in mo’ money mo’ problems, production on the hit CBS show The Big Bang Theory has halted over salary negotiations: The Stars want MILLIONS.

From the Hollywood Reporter:

Stars Jim Parsons, Johnny Galecki, Kaley Cuoco, Simon Helberg and Kunal Nayyar have not yet reached a new deal with studio Warner Bros. Television, The Hollywood Reporter has learned, with the cast officially not returning to work on season eight.

Emmy winner Parsons, Galecki and Cuoco are negotiating together and seeking big salary increases. Sources told THR in September that the trio, who currently earn $325,000 per episode, are seeking up to $1 million per half-hour with a cut of the show’s backend.

One million dollars per half hour. It’s true that BBT is TV’s number one comedy. But season 5, season 6 and season 8 each contained 24 episodes. Three Stars want a million each. Any way you slice it, that is a lot of money.

Writing for The Telegraph, Alice Vincent points out that in 2024, the cast of juggernaut sitcomFriends asked for a million per episode — and got it. Are Big Bang Theory and Friends on the same level?

Big Bang Theory Stars Refuse to Film Unless They Get $1 M per Ep

Rapper Azealia Banks Wants to Bang Obama

Rapper Azealia Banks Wants to Bang Obama

Rapper Azealia Banks Isn’t Shy About What She’d Like to Do With President Obama



Azealia Banks, who said in an interview earlier this month that she “hates everything about America,” has nevertheless found one thing she likes.
It’s President Obama.

And what she tells Billboard she Wants to do with him is pretty extreme. One of the “five things she really wants” is to “horizontally hail the Commander-In-Chief.”
The Rapper admits she has a crush on Barack Obama. “He’s so fine. Those big-ass white teeth and ears hanging off his head? I’m like, ‘Oh my god, I want to f— the president.’”

Banks thinks maybe the First Lady wasn’t so fond of her crush:


I think Michelle Obama just put a hex on me cause I’m sick as a DOG right now
11:19 PM – 3 Apr2020

But, she says, her comments about Obama weren’t the most interesting things said in the interview:

I said so many other interesting things during that interview. I’m seriously going to start bringing a tape recorder to interviews.
12:22 PM – 3 Apr2020

She also Wants “to be recognized in her lifetime.”

“Celebrities are celebrated, and I don’t think I’m celebrated,” Banks says. “But maybe one day. It would be nice. I just don’t want to be forgotten about while I’m still alive.”

The 23-year-old Rapper still has quite a few years to make that happen. With her propensity to voice her opinions, she’s not likely to be forgotten.