Ice Bucket Challenge Co-Founder Corey Griffin Drowns in Diving Tragedy

Ice Bucket Challenge Co-Founder Corey Griffin Drowns in Diving Tragedy


Died August 16th, 2024.

ALS ice Bucket Challenge Co-Founder Corey Griffin has drowned in a Diving Tragedy only weeks after seeing the Challenge go viral across the ***.
Griffin, 27, died after leaping from the roof of a bar in the Massachusetts town of Nantucket, last weekend.
According to the Boston Globe, the financier dived from the top of a bar called Juice Guys into the water, before surfacing once and then disappearing for good.
In the weeks before his untimely death, Griffin had seen the ice Bucket Challenge taken up by global figures, including Microsoft founder Bill Gates, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg and a host of celebrities including Oprah Winfrey, Lady Gaga and Justin Bieber.
The Challenge has so far raised around $23m (£14m )in aid of Pete Frates
Only hours before his death, Griffin had raised $100,000 in aid of myotrophic lateral sclerosis, on behalf of his pal with the condition, Pete Frates.
Paying tribute to Griffin on Facebook, Frates wrote: "Helping out was nothing new for Griff. He held his own event for me back in 2024, just a few months after diagnosis.
"He worked his butt off these last few weeks for ALS. We ****ed everyday, planning and scheming ways to raise funds and plan events."
Griffin had been delighted by the success of the ice Bucket challenge, which has spread so much that Russian president Vladimir Putin was challenged to do it by movie star Vin Diesel.
Griffin’s father Robert told the Globe it made him "the happiest guy in the world".
"He called me last night and told me he was in paradise," said Griffin.…ragedy-1461982

Gwyneth Paltrow doing the food stamp challenge

Gwyneth Paltrow doing the food stamp challenge

Gwynnie has woved to live on $29 a week just like poor people. Should be interesting. I find her shopping a bit weird, no milk or meat of course, but one tomato and one sweet potato? And no fruit except for a bunch of limes – for the mojitos, maybe?
Dlisted | Goopy Paltrow Is Doing The Food Stamps Challenge

Goopy Paltrow Is Doing The Food Stamps Challenge

April 9,2020 / Posted by: Michael K

I know, too easy. TOO easy.
Up until not too long ago, I’m guessing that Goopy Paltrow thought that “food stamps” was a type of artisanal stamp ink that a Dutch artisan made using organic heirloom purple dragon carrots grown with Arabian horse manure and imported iceberg water. But then her good friend and Spanish eatin’ tour partner Mario Batali told her what food stamps really are and told her about how he raises awareness of the struggles people on SNAP benefits (formerly known as food stamps) face while trying to feed a family on such little money.
Mario Batali is on the food Bank For New York City board and he’s fighting to keep congress from continuing to cut benefits. To help raise awareness, Mario asked New Yorkers and his fancy, privileged rich friends to do the #FoodBankNYCChallenge. Mario challenged them to feel the plight of the poor by only spending $29 per person (which is what people on SNAP get) a week on food. There’s rules for this challenge too. They can use coupons, but they can’t get food from others or use food they already have. Lord, fuck, you know some evil TV executive is looking at Mario’s challenge and thinking about how they’re going to pitch a reality show where a rich bitch and a poor person switch lives for a week. They’ll call it Class Swap and every**** will learn something from it, of course.
Mario asked The Out Of Touch Club’s president Goopy Paltrow to do the #FoodBankNYCChallenge, because he knew the kind of attention that’d get. Goopy is doing it and today, she tweeted all the groceries she bought for only $29. Goopy is trying to be healthy and shit, but it’s pretty impossible to be healthy on a $29 a week budget (which I guess is her point).
Is that for a family of rabbits? Is it for an Olsen? I mean, kale?! Cilantro?! Where are the packages of Top Ramen? Where’s the chicken? Where’s the 5lb bag of rice from the Asian supermarket? And all those limes. I know she has a lime tree and if she doesn’t, she can make little Moses hop the wall over to the neighbor’s yard to steal their limes. But she should tell him to throw the limes over before the guard dog gets him.
Well, I guess Goopy is going on one of her cleanses this week. She’s going to survive only on jalapeño and garlic elixirs and lime and kale enemas. The rest is for the purifying salsa face mask she’s going to make. I can’t wait for her new GOOP post about the SNAP cleanse.

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