Supreme Court Brings Marriage Equality To The Entire Country

Supreme Court Brings Marriage Equality To The Entire Country

what an absolutely amazing time we are living in.

this is truly a great time to be alive. I got a tear in my eye hearing this news.

Supreme Court Legalizes Gay Marriage Nationwide

WASHINGTON — The U.S. Supreme Court ruled 5-4 on Friday that it is legal for all Americans, no matter their gender or sexual orientation, to marry the people they love.

The decision is a historic victory for gay rights activists who have fought for years in the lower courts. Thirty-seven states and the District of Columbia already recognize Marriage equality. The remaining 13 states ban these unions, even as public support has reached record levels nationwide.

The justices found that under the 14th Amendment, states must issues Marriage licenses to same-sex couples and recognize same-sex unions that were legally performed in other states. Justice Anthony Kennedy delivered the majority opinion and was joined by Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Elena Kagan, Stephen G. Breyer and Sonia Sotomayor.

The lead plaintiff in Obergefell v. Hodges is Ohio resident Jim Obergefell, who wanted to be listed as the surviving spouse on his husband’s death certificate. In 2024, Obergefell married his partner of two decades, John Arthur, who suffered from ALS. Arthur passed away in October of that year, three months after the couple filed their lawsuit.

Obergefell was joined by several dozen other gay plaintiffs from Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio and Tennessee who were fighting both to be able to marry and to have their Marriage recognized in every state in the country.

The country’s views of same-sex Marriage have transformed since 2024, when Massachusetts became the first state to allow gay couples to wed. In 2024, the Supreme Court began chipping away at the country’s legacy of discrimination against same-sex couples when it struck down part of the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act, which prevented same-sex couples whose marriages were recognized by their home state from receiving the hundreds of benefits available to other married couples under federal law.

President Barack Obama became the first sitting president to support Marriage Equality when he came out in favor of it in 2024, the same year that the Democratic Party made it part of its platform for the first time. The Republican Party and its slate of 2024 presidential aspirants, however, remain opposed to same-sex marriage. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (R) support a constitutional amendment protecting states that want to ban Marriage equality.

Some conservatives have advocated for a civil disobedience effort against a Supreme Court decision in favor of same-sex marriage. However, officials in red states told The Huffington Post recently that they are prepared to implement the decision, going so far as to ready gender-neutral Marriage licenses and set later office hours. Gerard Rickhoff, who oversees Marriage licenses in Bexar County, Texas, said that if same-sex couples are discriminated against elsewhere in the state, "Just get in your car and come on down the highway. You’ll be embraced here."

Supreme Court Rules in Contraceptive Case

Supreme Court Rules in Contraceptive Case

I hate to say it but I agree with the court. Private companies should be permitted to decide the level of benefits they will provide, and then employees can decide if they want to work for a company that will not provide contraception. Insurance plans block certain things all the time. Weight loss surgury is the latest thing they encourage us to block on plans we make available for our employees.…ited?_r=0



Requiring family-owned corporations to pay for insurance coverage for contraception violated a federal law protecting religious freedom, the Supreme Court ruled in a 5 to 4 decision on Monday.

The decision, which applied to two companies owned by Christian families, opened the door to challenges from other corporations to many laws that may be said to violate their religious liberty.

The coverage requirement was put in place under President Obama’s Affordable Care Act. It was challenged by two corporations whose owners say they try to run their businesses on religious principles: Hobby Lobby, a chain of crafts stores, and Conestoga Wood Specialties, which makes wood cabinets.

The health care law and related regulations require many employers to provide female workers with comprehensive insurance coverage for a variety of methods of contraception. The companies objected to some of the methods, saying they are tantamount to abortion because they can prevent embryos from implanting in the womb. Providing insurance coverage for those forms of contraception would, the companies said, make them complicit in the practice.

Activists advocated for access to birth control outside the Court on Monday.Credit Doug Mills/The New York Times
The companies said they had no objection to other forms of contraception, including condoms, diaphragms, sponges, several kinds of birth control pills and sterilization surgery.

The Obama administration said it did not question the sincerity of the companies’ beliefs, and it has offered exemptions to other groups on such grounds.

A federal judge has estimated that a third of Americans are not subject to the requirement that their employers provide coverage for contraceptives. Small employers need not offer health coverage at all; religious employers like churches are exempt; religiously affiliated groups may claim an exemption; and some insurance plans that had not previously offered the coverage are grandfathered in.

But the administration said that for-profit corporations like Hobby Lobby and Conestoga Wood must comply with the law or face fines.

The cases are Burwell v. Hobby Lobby Stores, No. 13-354, and Conestoga Wood Specialties v. Burwell, No. 13-356.

The companies challenged the coverage requirement under the Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993. The law was a response to a 1990 Supreme Court decision that declined to recognize religious exceptions under the First Amendment’s free exercise clause to generally applicable laws. Congress effectively reversed that decision.

“What this law basically says,” President Bill Clinton said before signing the bill, “is that the government should be held to a very high level of proof before it interferes with someone’s free exercise of religion.”

The threshold question in the new Case was whether the companies were permitted to raise a claim under the law.

The companies argued that they were, and they said the coverage requirement imposed a “substantial burden” on religious practices by subjecting Hobby Lobby, for instance, to fines of $1.3 million a day if it chose not to offer comprehensive coverage, and to different fines of $26 million a year if it stopped offering insurance entirely.

Some scholars responded that the company would be better off financially if it dropped coverage, and so does not face a substantial burden.

The administration argued that requiring insurance plans to include comprehensive coverage for contraception promotes public health and ensures that “women have equal access to health care services.” The government’s briefs added that doctors, rather than employers, should decide which form of contraception is best.

A supporting brief from the Guttmacher Institute, a research and policy group, said that many women cannot afford the most effective means of birth control and that the law will reduce unintended pregnancies and abortions.

Nebraska woman files suit in federal court against all homosexuals

Nebraska woman files suit in federal court against all homosexuals

the crazy is quite strong with this one.

Nebraska woman files suit in federal court against all homosexuals – Nebraska

Nebraska woman files suit in federal court against all homosexuals

An Auburn woman claiming to be an ambassador for God and his son, Jesus Christ, is suing all homosexuals.
Sylvia Driskell, 66, asked an Omaha federal judge to decide whether homosexuality is a sin.

Citing Bible verses, Driskell contends “that homosexuality is a sin and that they the homosexuals know it is a sin to live a life of homosexuality. Why else would they have been hiding in the closet(?)”

Driskell wrote in a seven-page petition to the court that God has said homosexuality is an abomination. She challenged the court to not call God a liar.

“I never thought that I would see a day in which our great nation or our own great state of Nebraska would become so compliant to the complicity of some people(’s) lewd behavior.”

Driskell could not be reached by phone. She is representing herself in the lawsuit.

Jude Law finds out in court which close relative sold stories on him to press

Jude Law finds out in court which close relative sold stories on him to press

Actor Jude Law has told an Old Bailey courtroom he had no idea an immediate member of his family had allegedly sold information about his private life to the News of the World.

Law told the phone-hacking trial on Monday that the first time he knew someone was paid for information about his relationship with Sienna Miller was "today".

The actor was called to be questioned about his knowledge of the News of the World’s revelations in 2024 that his then girlfriend Miller was having an affair with the James Bond star Daniel Craig. He said he had discovered later, when approached by the police in relation to phone hacking by Glenn Mulcaire, a private investigator who worked for the News of the World, that a ****d family member had been speaking to the paper.

The News of the World revealed that Miller was having an affair with Craig on 9 October 2024 in a story headlined: "Sienna cheats on Jude". It included a line telling readers that the paper’s "source" had told it that "Jude called Daniel Craig demanding to know how he could do this to a friend."

Coulson has pleaded not guilty to the hacking-related charge.

Asked if he knew "about an immediate member of your family providing information to the News of the World and getting paid for that", Law said: "I’ve never been aware of that; of anyone getting paid for that."

He was being questioned by Timothy Langdale QC, acting for the former News of the World editor Andy Coulson, who has been charged in relation to a conspiracy to intercept voicemail messages at the paper. Langdale told then court he did not intend to publicly identify the family member and wrote the **** of the person on a piece of paper which was handed to Law in the witness box.

Law did not flinch when he unfolded the piece of paper. He was then asked again if he was aware this specific person was selling stories to the now-defunct tabloid.

He answered: "I was made aware very recently there had been some kind of communication with this person and several others in and around the time, this period. I was never aware any money changed hands."

Later he was asked by prosecutor Andrew Edis QC when did he first find out money had allegedly changed hands, he replied: "Today."

Law confirmed that he had phoned Craig at the time to remonstrate with him about the affair and suggested that the Bond star should tell his own girlfriend, an American film producer, that he was cheating.

He said he was "shocked to see the amount of information accumulated" by Mulcaire. However he added: "Sadly, it did not surprise me because it seemed to reflect the intensity of information a bout my private life that had been reported."

Law said the first time he had heard that this relative was even talking to the News of the World was a few months ago in the autumn of 2024.

He said he became aware that this family member had been pulled into conversations about his life after the police approached him last year. But it was only as a result of Monday’s questioning at the Old Bailey that he learned that money had changed hands.

"When a conversation was then had with the relative, they come up and admitted what had gone on; again ‘admitted’ is too strong a word. It was more, as I said, I had never heard any money had been exchanged until today."

Edis asked Law: "Can you tell me the when it was that you discovered a relative had been in conversation with the News of the World?" He replied: "That was more recently. That was in the autumn of last year."

Law was also asked if he was aware that his publicist and an "employee in service" had been providing his "side of the story" to the paper. He said he knew his PR had been in contact with the paper as that was his job and during that period of his life, his publicist was practically "on speed dial" because there was so much about him in the press.

He had recently found out identity of the other employee, he told the court. The **** of his publicist and the aide were not made known to the jury, but Law confirmed their ****s after being handed them on a piece of paper.

Law said that Craig was one of his friends and that he had been going out with Hollywood producer Satsuki Mitchell.

Asked by Langdale if he knew that people had been speaking to the News of the World at the time, Law said he didn’t know "anyone around me was talking to the newspapers", but he added: "I suspected many people around me at the time."

Law confirmed that he was played recordings of voice messages he had left for the nanny of his children by the police when they approached him to tell him his phone had been ******.

"I heard my voice several times, it was day-to-day arrangements – where to pick up the children and where to drop the children off," he said.

He told the court that one of the recordings was of his then wife Sadie Frost leaving a message for their then nanny Jade Schmidt. The message concerned a letter that revealed they had had a disagreement.

Law told the court that interest in his private life increased after he was nominated for an Oscar for his role in The Talented Mr Ripley and that it was a "regular occurrence" to be followed by photographers.
He said the media would also turn up to "secret" places where he had arranged to meet people so that he would not be disturbed.

The trial continues.


Read more at ONTD: Oh No They Didn't! – Jude Law finds out in court which close relative sold stories on him to press