US Pastor Says Women Created To House Mans Penis

US Pastor Says Women Created To House Mans Penis

Hillsong is a worryingly successful and popular evangelical mega church in Sydney run by a creepy millionaire Pastor (natch). Local feminists are asking the Govt not to give him a visa: can’t think why.

From The Age:

US Pastor Mark Driscoll, invited by Hillsong Church to its Australian conference, is under increasing fire for statements including preaching that Women were Created to House a man’s penis.

Driscoll has been invited by Hillsong to appear on the main stage at its national conference in Sydney this month.

In one infamous oration, Mr Driscoll preached: "Ultimately, God Created you and it is His penis. You are simply borrowing it for a while."

"Knowing that His Penis would need a home, God Created a woman to be your wife. And when you marry her and look down you will notice that your wife is shaped differently than you and makes a very nice home."