Max the Cattle Dog Befriends Ralphee the Disabled Kitten

Max the Cattle Dog Befriends Ralphee the Disabled Kitten


Stories about interspecies friendships (see: Roo & Penny, Khloe Kardashian and French Montana, etc…) are so common nowadays that it takes a truly special one to make the black, dead veins in my corroded heart throb and this video did it.Ralphee the adorable Kitten was born with a neurological disorder called feline cerebellar hypoplasia (CH) and it causes her to stumble around like a drunk who just got off of a carousel. Ralphee was rescued from a horse barn and when she moved into her new home, she met her new roommate Max the Australian Cattle dog and the two have barely left each other’s side.

The video’s de******ion says that Max is always watching over Ralphee and Ralphee is always trying to play with Max. I watched this video and thought to myself, “WHAT’S GOING TO HAPPEN TO THE KITTEH?!” Apparently, CH doesn’t get worse, isn’t painful and if Ralphee stays healthy, she’ll live as long as a pussy without CH would. And here’s the video that made me want to hug a pussy and I usually never want to hug a pussy.

Dlisted | Open Post: The Beautiful Friendship Between Ralphee The Disabled Kitten And A Cattle Dog

Kitten rescuing cop inundated with marriage proposals after fronting campaign

Kitten rescuing cop inundated with marriage proposals after fronting campaign

You have the right to remain cute! Hunky cop is inundated with marriage proposals after he just rescued and adopted kitten

  • Baltimore police officer Jon Boyer, 26, regularly drops off stray cats and dogs he finds to the Baltimore Animal Rescue and Care ****ter
  • But when he brought in an adorable kitty last May, the animal ****ter posted a heart-melting picture of the pair on its Facebook page
  • The image received more than 4,000 likes and several hundred comments praising his selfless work — and handsome looks
  • Now the officer features in the BARCS ad campaign ‘Show Your Soft Side’ and he has his own Facebook fan page, ‘I love Jon Boyer’
  • He adopted the kitty in the picture – Lilly – and has two other cats at home

A hunky Baltimore police officer has been inundated with marriage proposals after a photo of him cuddling a stray Kitten he rescued and then adopted went viral.
Jon Boyer, 26, has always had a soft spot for animals and regularly drops off stray cats and dogs he finds around the city to the Baltimore Animal Rescue and Care ****ter. But when he brought in an adorable kitty last May, his good deeds became an internet sensation after the animal ****ter posted a heart-melting picture of the pair on its Facebook page.

The image received more than 4,000 likes and several hundred comments praising his selfless work — and handsome looks.


Internet heartthrob: Hunky Baltimore police officer Jon Boyer, pictured, has been inundated with marriage proposals after this photo of him cuddling a stray Kitten he rescued and then adopted went viral

Now the officer features in the BARCS ad campaign ‘Show Your Soft Side’ and he has his own Facebook fan page, ‘I love Jon Boyer.’

Comments on the Facebook page include ‘Nothing sexier than a man with his rescued animal!’ and ‘OMG!!!!! HE IS HOT!!!!’ Other Facebook users wrote: ‘My future husband,’ and ‘Is he single??’

‘It was kind of weird. I hadn’t been expecting that attention at all,’ Boyer told of his rise to fame.

‘(Rescuing animals) was kind of a thing I’d been doing a little while before that. It just happened to blow up with that picture.’

He said he’s always had a love for animals, particularly cats.


Star: Now the officer features in the Baltimore Animal Rescue Care ****ter’s ad campaign ‘Show Your Soft Side,’ pictured, and he has his own Facebook fan page, ‘I love Jon Boyer’


Cute: Boyer, who’s been an officer with the Baltimore Police Department for three and a half years, had six cats at one point, and all but two are rescue kittens


Longtime love: ‘I used to hang posters in my room of cats, because I loved them,’ he said

‘I used to hang posters in my room of cats, because I loved them,’ he said. ‘My parents always wondered why I didn’t like dogs. I love dogs, but cats are kinda my thing.’

Boyer, who’s been an officer with the Baltimore Police Department for three and a half years, had six cats at one point, and all but two are rescue kittens.

Now he has three cats, including Lilly, the Kitten in the photo that made him a heartthrob.

He said he gets why the picture went viral, telling ‘the whole guy in a police uniform with a Kitten makes people melt’


Hero: Boyer, pictured, has always had a soft spot for animals and regularly drops off stray cats and dogs he finds around the city to the Baltimore Animal Rescue and Care ****ter


Teasing: While he’s fielding a steady stream of marriage proposals from his female fans, he said his fellow officers have responded to his newfound fame by jokingly nicknaming him ‘cat man’

However, he insisted rescuing stray animals was just ‘one of the million things’ he and his colleagues’ do on a daily basis.

While he’s fielding a steady stream of marriage proposals from his female fans, he said his fellow officers have responded to his newfound fame by jokingly nicknaming him ‘cat man.’

This was worth it if it meant bringing a greater awareness to the cause of helping stray animals in need, he said.

‘If (the media interest) is giving animals a chance to get rescued that wouldn’t have had a chance to before because someone sees my story, that makes me happy,’ he said.

Read more:

Retired guard dog looks after kitten

Retired guard dog looks after kitten

Will you be my baby? Adorable moment Retired guard dog who never had puppies finds a tiny kitten in the park and takes on the role of being her mother

PUBLISHED: 02:18, 17 April 2024 | UPDATED: 09:35, 17 April 2024

It’s an unlikely pairing but a former guard dog has adopted a two-week-old kitten after she was dumped in the woods by her owner – and the two couldn’t get any cuter.
Retired South Florida store-owner Lorrie has shared adorable pictures of her dog, a large Akita breed, ****d Lily cuddling her little pal in her paws.

Lorrie said she was recently walking Lily, who protected her shop for years after training as a guard dog, in a heavily wooded area near her family’s home when she heard a noise. Unfortunately, the park, being near a busy highway, is also the place where people dump their pets.



Awww: It’s an unlikely pairing but a former guard dog has adopted a two-week-old kitten after it was dumped in the woods by its owner – and the two couldn’t get any cuter

‘I heard a loud funny noise as we entered the park.. On the way out I decided to investigate the noise that was still quite loud thinking it could be an injured bird,’ she told

As they walked towards the noise, 10-year-old Lily started sniffing around and suddenly pounced, Lorrie recalled.

‘Up she came with a two-week-old kitten in her mouth. I nearly fainted!’ Lorrie said.

She said she told Lily to ‘drop it’ and the dog deposited the kitty at her feet unharmed.

Lorrie said the kitten was all alone and left to to die in the woods, adding that in recent months she has discovered five animals in the park in similarly dire situations.



Pals: Retired South Florida store-owner Lorrie has shared adorable pictures of her dog, a large Akita breed, ****d Lily cuddling it’s little pal in its paws



Big and littler: Lorrie said she still remains scared to leave the two alone simply because of the size difference

So Lorrie decided to bring the cat home and try to feed her, but she was nowhere near weaned.

Instead, she took the animal to the Humane Society to see if they could help.

Unfortunately, Lorrie said both the Humane Society and the Broward County Animal Control offices said they would not take the kitty and would have no option but to put her down if she was left there.

The former said if Lorrie hand fed the kitten for a month they would then take her and try to find her a home.



Woods: Lorrie said she was recently walking Lily, who protected her shop for years after training as a guard dog, in a heavily wooded area near her family’s home when they found the abandoned kitty



Happy ending: ‘I think Lily wants to keep her and I think in a months time she may get her wish,’ Lorrie said

‘So I brought her home thinking it was going to be a very long month keeping them apart and safe,’ Lorrie said.
But she was wrong.

‘Much to my surprise, Lily has adopted the kitten!’ Lorrie said of the dog that never had puppies of her own. ‘She comes and gets me when she needs to be fed and watches to make sure I do it right.

‘They seem to be doing very well together, though I am afraid to leave them untended- the size difference is major. I think Lily wants to keep her and I think in a months time she may get her wish.’

Read more: Retired guard dog who never had puppies adopts a kitten | Mail Online

صور Help, my kitten has a swollen lower lip

تحميل صور فضائح Celebrity Gossip, Photos, Help, my kitten has a swollen lower lip 2024 – 2024 يوتيوب فيديو افلام اغاني فيديو

Does anyone have experience with this? Is this vet worthy? On Wednesday, it looked like she had a big pimple on her chin, then on Thursday, her…

Does anyone have experience with this? Is this vet worthy?

On Wednesday, it looked like she had a big pimple on her chin, then on Thursday, her lip appeared swollen, but the pimple thing was gone. I called the vet and they said to monitor it and call if it persists.

It was fine until this morning, when I noticed it was swollen again. Googeling pet symptoms is as bad as going to md. Either she has cancer or I need to switch feeding bowls.

Any feedback is appreciated!

ETA: She has never been outside and no new food or any other exposures

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