Mind Your Dash

Mind Your Dash

The Dash – A Poem by Linda Ellis
Relax & Contemplate

I read of a man who stood to speak
At the funeral of a friend
He referred to the dates on her tombstone
From the beginning to the end
He noted that first came her date of her birth
And spoke the following date with tears,

But he said what mattered most of all
Was the Dash between those years

For that Dash represents all the time
That she spent alive on earth.

And now only those who loved her
Know what that little line is worth.

For it matters not how much we own;
The cars, the house, the cash,

What matters is how we live and love
And how we spend our dash.

So think about this long and hard.
Are there things you’d like to change?

For you never know how much time is left,
That can still be rearranged.

If we could just slow down enough
To consider what’s true and real

And always try to understand
The way other people feel.

And be less quick to anger,
And show appreciation more

And love the people in our lives
Like we’ve never loved before.

If we treat each other with respect,
And more often wear a smile

Remembering that this special dash
Might only last a little while.

So, when Your eulogy is being read
With Your life’s actions to rehash

Would you be proud of the things they say
About how you spent Your dash?


I hope you enjoyed it

The words have changed many lives.

They could change yours, too…

Dennis Quaid Loses His Mind On Set

Dennis Quaid Loses His Mind On Set

Dennis Quaid

Loses His Mind On Set …

‘I Have a Bunch of Pussies Staring at Me!’

4/13/2015 8:54 PM PDT BY TMZ STAFF

Dennis Quaid went absolutely berserk on the set of a movie … calling his co-workers unprofessional zombies, pussies, and more — or so it seems based on a video that surfaced on the Internet.

The video starts with Quaid chewing out someone for walking on set while he’s running a line — "I can’t even get a line out until dopey the d**k starts whispering in your ear, you’re not even watching anymore."
No one was spared his wrath as Dennis continued … "This is the most unprofessional set I have ever been on. This is horse s**t!"
It’s unclear what movie he’s shooting … when this rant went down, or if it’s even real. The video leaked online, but his reps haven’t responded to our calls for comment yet. It’s possible the whole thing is fake … he’s an actor, after all.
Your move Christian Bale. And David O. Russell. And Chris Berman.

Read more: Dennis Quaid — Loses His Mind On Movie Set … ‘I Have a Bunch of Pussies Staring at Me!’ (VIDEO) | TMZ.com
Vid at link.

in George repair has emerged out of mind

2013 و صور in George repair has emerged out of mind 2024 طريقة فيديو

in George repair has emerged out of mind

Is very beautiful. At this point. in George repair has emerged out of mind when transformed into a dragon just Kali Jia scene. Kali incarnation as a few meters long dragon. the surface is silver.white scales. the distribution of holy light. "family elders. soon to right here. "Kali Jia is a sigh. looking down some dark. fingers intertwined. looked at his head slightly lower toes. Thought were going to repair and George.

Kali Jia. the heart would break if she do not understand human love.
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in George repair has emerged out of mind

could you would you mind

could you …… would you mind

part one

There are many different ways of making polite requests in English.
Would you…? / could you…? / would you like to…?

If you are asking other people to do things, you would normally use would you or could you + infinitive. would you like to…? is also a very polite way of suggesting or requesting something, politer than Do you want to…? Compare the following:

Would you please bring your library books back today as they are needed by another borrower?

Could you join us on Saturday? Tom’s back from Sydney and we’re having a barbecue.

Would you like to join us on Saturday? We’re having a barbecue in the back garden.

Would you care to join us on Saturday? We’re celebrating Tom’s return from Sydney.

Do you want to join us on Saturday? We’re having a bash in the garden.


Would you like…? + infinitive /

Would you mind…?

If you want to sound particularly polite, or if you think the answer may be negative, you can also use would you mind + verb-ing as the preferred alternative to could you…? would you mind…? literally means: would you object to…?

Would you mind locking the door when you leave? ~ No, not at all!

Could you please lock the door when you leave? ~ Yes, certainly!

If you’re not busy at the moment, would you mind helping me with my homework?

If you’re not busy at the moment, could you give me a hand with my homework?

Land Mind Sniffing Rats .

Land Mind Sniffing Rats…..

Are saving lives in the most badass way.

image: https://thechive.files.wordpress.com…g?w=1200&h=800
خليجية Everyone’s least favorite rodent has been tasked with cleaning up the lethal leftovers of war. Land mines kill thousands every year, but these rats have been trained to save lives by Sniffing out the scent of explosives. The group responsible for training the rodents is APOPO – which stands for Anti-Persoonsmijnen Ontmijnende Product Ontwikkeling in Dutch, or Anti-Personnel Landmines Detection Product Development in English.
image: https://thechive.files.wordpress.com…g?w=1200&h=800
خليجية Using positive reinforcement that is respectful to the animals, these African pouched rats are taught to identify explosives and then ***** their handler.
image: https://thechive.files.wordpress.com…g?w=1200&h=800
خليجية They’re perfect for the job – they’re highly intelligent and have a keen sense of smell. They are small enough not to trigger mines, yet large enough to be easily identifiable in the field. No rat has been killed in a minefield.
image: https://thechive.files.wordpress.com…g?w=1200&h=796
خليجية They can clear two hundred square meters in just 20 minutes. It would take humans with ****l detectors five days to cover the same area.
image: https://thechive.files.wordpress.com…g?w=1200&h=898
خليجية Since 2000, they have found over 9,000 buried Land mines and bombs all across Tanzania and Mozambique. They’ve also found thousands of small arms and ammunitions stashed in the ground.
image: https://thechive.files.wordpress.com…g?w=1200&h=720
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image: https://thechive.files.wordpress.com…?w=1200&h=1606
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image: https://thechive.files.wordpress.com…g?w=1200&h=676
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image: https://thechive.files.wordpress.com…g?w=1200&h=732
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image: https://thechive.files.wordpress.com…?w=1200&h=1172
خليجية The rats normally live for up to eight years, but are retired when they turn six. They live out the rest of their days as hero’s, munching on avocados, apples and bananas, and being loved on by their handlers.

Read more at Rats in Africa are saving tons of lives in the most badass way possible (10 Photos) : theCHIVE

mind map for U 2

mind map for U 2
Mind Map Unit 2
الروابط لا استطيع تفعيلها لحضراتكم ولكن سانزلها مع المجلد
اتمنى ان يفيدكم

لتفعيل البرنامج يجب انزال برنامج mindmapper2008 ,
وتحميله مجاني لمدة 30 يوم

الصور المرفقة خليجية Unit 2 mm pic.jpg.jpg‏ (70.7 كيلوبايت)