Officials want South Florida to break into it’s own state

Officials want South Florida to break into it’s own state

Officials want South Florida to break off into its own state

Officials in the City of South Miami have passed a resolution in favor of splitting the state in half so South Florida would become the 51st state.Vice Mayor Walter Harris proposed the resolution and it passed with a 3-2 vote at the city commission meeting on Oct. 7.
Harris told the commission that Tallahassee isn’t providing South Florida with proper representation or addressing its concerns when it comes to sea-level rising.

"We have to be able to deal directly with this environmental concern and we can’t really get it done in Tallahassee," Harris said. "I don’t care what people think — it’s not a matter of electing the right people."
Mayor Philip Stoddard agreed with Harris’ reasoning, saying during the meeting that he’s advocated for secession for the past 15 years but never penned a resolution.

“It’s very apparent that the attitude of the northern part of the state is that they would just love to saw the state in half and just let us float off into the Caribbean," Stoddard said. "They’ve made that abundantly clear every possible opportunity and I would love to give them the opportunity to do that.”
But the vote wasn’t unanimous. Commissioners Gabriel Edmond and Josh Liebman voted against the resolution with Edmond, a history teacher, being the most vocal about it.
"I just want you guys to be careful because if you vote for this you’re setting a precedent that if other people in this city don’t like our representation or feel we’re not responsive to them they might say ‘we want to break away from the city of South Miami’.”

The resolution lists the northern border of what would be the state of South Florida as being Brevard, Orange, Polk, Hillsborough and Pinellas counties.
Orange County is particularly important because that’s where the South Florida Water Management District begins, Harris said. It was even suggested that a Central Florida city could possibly be the state of South Florida’s capitol.
In total, the proposed 51st state would include 24 counties.

The resolution’s 3-2 approval paved the way for it to be sent to the governing bodies of the proposed South Florida counties for consideration. In order for secession to be enacted, however, the measure would require electorate approval from the entire state and Congressional approval.

Click here to read a copy of the resolution.
Officials want South Florida to break off into its own state – Orlando Sentinel

Jared Leto on living in the South: ‘We escaped early on… it’s very oppressive’

Jared Leto on living in the South: ‘We escaped early on… it’s very oppressive’

Jared Leto is once again proving how friggin’ cool he is. In the new issue of FourTwoNine magazine, the Dallas Buyers Club Oscarwinner says he doesn’t mind if you called him “queer.”
When the mag’s editor-in-chief Kevin Sessums mentions that some of his “straight friends have begun to define themselves as queer without it being a sexual term but a cultural one,” he goes on to ask Leto and his brother Shannon Leto if they’d be “averse” to having the same label.

“I wouldn’t care,” Shannon said. Jared added, “I don’t think we’d care at all. We certainly identify with people who are different.”
That differentness is one of the reasons the Leto brothers’ band, 30 Seconds to Mars, has attracted such a large LGBT fan ****.
“I got a note from a kid yesterday,” Jared said. “We were signing a thousand CDs after a show. If you looked at him, he looked like any young kid maybe in twelfth grade or eleventh grade who’d be on the ****ball team or something. A nice looking kid. He handed me a note and it said, ‘I just want to say thanks so much for the music. it’s helped me in many ways–especially with coming out this year to my family.’”
And to think the Letos were born in the not-always LGBT-friendly south.

“We escaped early on,” Jared said. “It’s very oppressive.” He further explained, “We would go back for the summers and stay with our grandmother, though. So the culture was always there that we returned to. We moved around every couple of years growing up. Way up to north Massachusetts. Everywhere. But no matter where we were it was a very creative environment around artists. That is obviously an important reason that Shannon and I are pursuing the path that we are now.”

[From E! News]

Cele|bitchy | Jared Leto on living in the South: ‘We escaped early on… it’s very oppressive’

Garish, Gaudy South Africa House Has ‘Best. Kitchen. Ever.’

Garish, Gaudy South Africa House Has ‘Best. Kitchen. Ever.’

Garish, Gaudy South Africa House Has ‘Best. Kitchen. Ever.’

A tipster writes in to comment on this five-bedroom home in Johannesburg and asks, "May I also respectfully suggest a new feature—the worst (decorated) House of the day?" The R2,999,900 ($303,805) listing, he concludes, has the "Best. Kitchen. Ever." Naturally, the rest of the house, strongly representing what could happen if all the world’s royal families regurgitated their design tastes, must also be seen to be believed. A look, below.



















South Carolina trooper charged, shot man – seat belt violation

South Carolina trooper charged, shot man – seat belt violation

One of those stories that just really pissed me off.

COLUMBIA, SC — An S.C. trooper who stopped a man for a seat belt violation outside Columbia and then shot him – apparently without provocation – was arrested Wednesday and charged with assault and battery of a high and aggravated nature.
Sean Groubert, 31, a lance corporal who was fired from the Highway Patrol after the shooting incident, now faces 20 years in prison if convicted of wrongfully shooting the driver, Levar Jones.

Groubert was booked Wednesday evening at the Alvin S. Glenn Detention Center. He was fired from the patrol last Friday.

Wednesday night, in a hearing at the jail, Magistrate Ethel Brewer set Groubert’s bond at $75,000.

A video of the Sept. 4 shooting incident was played at Groubert’s bond hearing.
The video shows Groubert firing repeatedly at Jones, who was not armed and who was not behaving aggressively. Jones was struck at least once, in the hip. He spent time in the hospital and is now out of the hospital recuperating.


COLUMBIA, SC: VIDEO RELEASED: SC trooper charged with felony in shooting at traffic stop over seat belt violation | Crime | The State

Sean Groubert, South Carolina State Trooper, Fired & Arrested After Shooting Unarmed Man

A South Carolina state trooper was fired last week and arrested on Wednesday after a dashcam video showed him shooting an unarmed man during a routine traffic stop.
Former officer Sean Groubert, 31, is seen in the newly released video pulling over Levar Edward Jones. The clip, which was recorded on Groubert’s dashcam on Sept. 4, shows Jones getting out of his vehicle at a gas station in Columbia.
Groubert asks Jones for his driver’s license. As Jones reaches into his vehicle to retrieve it, Groubert shouts, "Get out of the car!"

When Jones complies and starts to back away from the vehicle, Groubert opens fire. Three shots can be heard; Jones was hit at least once, in the hip.
"I was just getting my license," Jones says. He also apologizes repeatedly, and asks, "Sir, why was I shot? All I did was reach for my license. I’m coming from work."
"Well, you dove head-first back into your car," Groubert says. "Then you jumped back out, I’m telling you to get out of your car."

Groubert was charged with assault and battery of a high and aggravated nature, a felony which carries a penalty of up to 20 years in prison, according to a news release from the South Carolina Law Enforcement Division.

The complaint states that Groubert "did without justification unlawfully shoot Levar Jones which produced great bodily injury or was likely to cause great bodily injury. Audio and visual recordings, as well as written statements, obtained are further evidence to indicate the shooting incident was without justification."
South Carolina Department of Public Safety Director Leroy Smith called the case disturbing.

"After my review of the facts surrounding this matter, I have determined that Mr. Groubert’s actions rose to such an extent that his employment with us must be terminated," Smith said in a statement last week. "While Mr. Groubert was within the law to stop Mr. Jones for a safety belt violation, the force administered in this case was unwarranted, inconsistent with how our troopers are trained, and clearly in violation of Department policies."

Groubert pleaded not guilty and is free after posting a $75,000 bond, according to WIS-TV. He’s expected to appear in court on Oct. 24.
Jones was hospitalized for the hip injury, but has since been released. He told WIS that he hopes the incident will lead to change throughout the country.

Sean Groubert, South Carolina State Trooper, Fired & Arrested After Shooting Unarmed Man