We Can 6 CD 1 student book سادس ابتدائي الفصل الثاني

Harvard student creates 3D makeup printer

Harvard student creates 3D makeup printer

I love this woman. My favorite parts of the article are highlighted in red. 😆

Mink 3D Printer Creates Makeup in Any Shade You Can Think Of | Walyou

Mink 3D printer creates makeup in Any Shade You Can Think Of

Harvard Business School graduate Grace Choi might have invented the device that will kill the makeup industry, a 3D printer that makes lipstick and eye-shadow in every possible shade out there.
At the TechCrunch Disrupt Conference that took place in NY a few days ago, Choi expressed her outrage regarding the steep prices of cosmetics, in general. According to her, the prices asked by the giants of the makeup industry are unjustified, to say the least “They do this by charging on the one thing that is available for free, color.” The best thing about Mink, in this con****, is that it enables you to pick any colour you like from the *** (think Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube, etc) and have an eye-shadow/powder/lipstick printed right away with that exact shade.خليجية
In other words, Mink makeup 3D printer turns the *** and any laptop, camera or phone into a beauty aisle without an end. The main target audience is represented by girls aged 13 to 21 who haven’t formed a habit yet from using makeup. Choi mentioned that all the materials used by the 3D printer are FDA approved and come from the same sources as the incredibly expensive cosmetics found at Sephora, so there shouldn’t be any safety issues there.
As Choi stated at the TechCrunch Conference, “The inkjet handles the pigment, and the same raw material substrates can create any type of makeup, from powders to cream to lipstick. Implementing this ability on the Mink is not hard to do, it’s actually more of a business decision. What we’re doing is taking out the bull shit. Big makeup companies take the pigment and the substrates and mix them together and then jack the price. We do the same thing and let you get the makeup right in your own house.”

The creator of this 3D printer for cosmetics is thinking about offering it for $300, along with decently priced substrates and ink. Assuming that the consumables are really cheap, Mink might actually be able to destabilize the makeup industry. The price of the printer itself might go down a bit if Choi manages to negotiate with the major printer companies of the world. There are still a lot of factors that could influence Mink’s destiny, color replication and product life being only two of them.

We Can 6 CD 2 student book سادس ابتدائي الفصل الثاني

German Student Dies After Defending Teen Girls From Harassers

German Student Dies After Defending Teen Girls From Harassers

German Student Dies After Defending Teen Girls From Harassers

Isha Aran
Filed to: Tugce Albayrak

Yesterday 4:25pm


About 150 people gathered in Berlin, Germany, today to attend a vigil commemorating Tugce Albayrak, a 23-year-old woman who died After she was beaten by a man she had just stood up to earlier for harassing two Teen girls.

On November 15, Albayrak was in a McDonalds in Offenbach (near Frankfurt) when she heard cries for help From the restroom. Two teenage Girls were being harassed by a group of men. Albayrak courageously and successfully intervened. But later on that night in the McDonald’s parking lot, one of the men From the group of Harassers attacked her in the parking lot. He struck her in the head, though it’s unsure as to whether he used a bat or stone or other weapon, or if he punched her and she fell, hitting her head on a stone.

As a result of the attack, Albayrak was left in a coma—when doctors informed her parents she was braindead and would never regain consciousness, they decided to turn off her life support. It was her 23rd birthday.

Her attacker has been named as Senal M, and 18-year-old From Serbia. He has confessed to striking her, but has since kept mum ahead of his trial. He is expected to be charged with assault resulting in unintentional manslaughter.
While a petition for Albayrak to be posthumously honored with the nation’s order of merit has gathered over 100,000 signatures, German President Joachim Gauck has praised her bravery, writing to her family, via BBC:

"Like countless citizens, I am shocked and appalled by this terrible act. Tugce has earned gratitude and respect From us all.
"She will always remain a role model to us, our entire country mourns with you.
"Where other people looked the other way, Tugce showed exemplary courage and moral fortitude."

Once again we are faced with the reality of doing the right thing. Once again we are faced with the reality of how unsafe it is for a woman to simply be and how much more unsafe it is for a woman stand up for what’s right, and it will never get any less devastating. I wish the best to Albayrak’s friends and family and hope that they find peace knowing that that woman is a hero.
Thank you, Tugce.

Image via BBC

​German Student Dies After Defending Teen Girls From Harassers

Guy Allegedly Beat & Raped Fellow Student Because Fifty Shades of Grey

Guy Allegedly Beat & Raped Fellow Student Because Fifty Shades of Grey

The guy is a rapist. Period. But the comments after the article were funny.

Guy Allegedly Beat & Raped Fellow Student BecauseÂ*Fifty Shades of GreyÂ*

Guy Allegedly Beat & Raped Fellow Student Because Fifty Shades of Grey

A dude at University of Illinois at Chicago decided to reenact Fifty Shades of Grey without the consent of his partner and then was surprised that he couldn’t just go home after his case went to court. How many more ways can we explain the concept of consent? How many?

On Monday, according to the Chicago Tribune, 19-year-old Mohammad Hossain was given bail at $500,000 after prosecuting Assistant State’s Attorney Sarah Karr argued that the bionuclear Student attacked a woman he’d been intimate with before with tricks he picked up from the S&M-driven film. The problem is one of consent, she argued, the consent that Hossain didn’t obtain from his partner after inviting her to his dorm room where he tied her up with a belt and then filled her mouth with a necktie.

Hossain used a knit cap to cover the woman’s eyes, Karr said, and removed the woman’s bra and underwear. He then began striking the woman with a belt. After hitting her several times, the woman told Hossain he was hurting her, told him to stop, "and began shaking her head and crying," said Karr.

Hossain continued striking the woman — including with his fists, according to an arrest report — and she managed to get one arm, and then another, free. But he then held her arms behind her back and sexually assaulted her as she continued to plead for him to stop, according to Karr.

Not long after the assault, Hossain’s roommate came home and he didn’t let him in the room, said prosecutors. Then the victim left, told another person and the police. On Saturday night, Hossain was arrested, admitted "doing something wrong" and Allegedly that he got the idea of the assault from Fifty Shades of Grey.

Guys, do not do this. Don’t be this guy. The irony here is that the whole basis of S&M is consent and established safe words to be deployed when things get too intense or violent. How this guy missed that is just …

And if you are so daft that you think you should do everything that you see in films, please stay away from the theater. Hollywood is fine without your patronage.

cassiebearRAWRaHillary Crosley Coker
Yesterday 6:45pm
This reminds me of the time I saw Lord of the Rings and then I started summoning giant walls of water to expel ring wraiths from Rivendell.

Yesterday 6:56pm

Yesterday 6:59pm
I heard the same thing when I & 10 of my friends robbed 3 casinos on fight night

Yesterday 7:43pm
And then you got expelled from school for threatening your classmate with the One Ring!

Yesterday 7:51pm

I liked the dad in that story:

‘"I assure you my son lacks the magical powers necessary to threaten his friend’s existence," the boy’s father later wrote in an email. "If he did, I’m sure he’d bring him right back."’

Univeristy Student Kills 1 Student, shoots, 3 others .

Univeristy Student Kills 1 Student, shoots, 3 others…

SEATTLE (AP) — A lone gunman armed with a shotgun opened fire Thursday in a building at a small Seattle university, fatally wounding one person before a Student subdued him with pepper spray as he tried to reload, Seattle police said. A Student building monitor at Seattle Pacific University disarmed the gunman after he entered the foyer at Otto Miller Hall, and several other students jumped on top of him and pinned him down until police officers arrived, police said. A 19-year-old man died at Harborview Medical Center. Three other people were injured. A critically injured 20-year-old woman was taken to surgery, hospital spokeswoman Susan Gregg said. A 24-year-old man and a 22-year-old man were in satisfactory condition. Gregg says one of those two men was not shot. None of the victims was immediately identified. Police said they had arrested one man. None of the four who were brought to the hospital was the arrested man, Gregg said. The afternoon shooting came a week before the end of the school year, and the situation was particularly tense when police initially reported that they were searching for a second suspect. They later said no one else was involved. The university locked down its campus for several hours, and it *****ed students and staff to stay inside. Some students were taking finals in the same building that the shooter entered. "We’re a community that relies on Jesus Christ for strength, and we’ll need that at this point in time," said Daniel Martin, president of Seattle Pacific University. On Thursday evening, people packed the First Free Methodist Church on campus for a service of prayers and song. So many people crowded into the building that dozens of people gathered on a lawn near the church and formed their own groups as the sun set. About 4,270 undergraduate and graduate students attend the private Christian university. Its 40-acre campus is in a leafy residential neighborhood about 10 minutes from downtown Seattle. The school canceled classes and other activities on Friday. Jillian Smith was taking a math test on the second-floor of Otto Miller Hall when a lockdown was ordered. She heard police yelling and banging on doors in the hallway. The professor locked the classroom door, and the 20 or so students sat on the ground, lining up at the front of the classroom. "We were pretty much freaking out," said Smith, 20, a sophomore. "People were ****ing family and friends, making sure everyone was OK." About 45 minutes later, police came and escorted them out of the building two by two, she said. On the way, they passed the lobby where she saw bullet casings and what appeared to be blood in the lobby carpet and splatter on the wall. "Seeing blood made it real," Smith said. "I didn’t think something like this would happen at our school." Ashley Springer, 26, was in a classroom with her professor and a few other students when a woman with a bullhorn came into the room and told them to lock the door, pull down the shades and turn out the lights. Springer, a senior, called Seattle Pacific University "a really close community." David Downs, a 22-year-old senior who is graduating next week, said he left campus 30 minutes before the shooting. "I’m in utter shock," said Downs, who is a point guard on the university’s basketball team. "It’s so unbelievable to me that this could happen on our campus. It’s the last thing I would have ever thought could happen here." "It puts things in perspective," he said. "Anything can happen, even on a small Christian campus." The gun violence follows a spate of recent shootings on or near college campuses. Last month, according to police, Elliot Rodger killed six people and injured seven before turning his gun on himself in a rampage in Isla Vista, California, near two universities. Seven people were killed and three injured when a 43-year-old former Student opened fire at a tiny Christian school, Oikos University, in Oakland, California, in 2024. A gunman killed five people and injured 18 when he opened fire in a Northern Illinois University lecture hall in 2024. In 2024, 32 people were fatally shot in a dorm and classroom at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, Virginia, before the gunman killed himself. Seattle Mayor Ed Murray, noting previous mass shootings in the city, said: "Once again the epidemic of gun violence has come to Seattle." —- AP reporters Donna Gordon Blankinship in Seattle and Rachel La Corte in Olympia, Washington, contributed to this report. © 2024 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. Learn more about our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use. Another shooting in as many weeks…

Guy Allegedly Beat & Raped Fellow Student Because Fifty Shades of Grey

Guy Allegedly Beat & Raped Fellow Student Because Fifty Shades of Grey

The guy is a rapist. Period. But the comments after the article were funny.

Guy Allegedly Beat & Raped Fellow Student BecauseÂ*Fifty Shades of GreyÂ*

Guy Allegedly Beat & Raped Fellow Student Because Fifty Shades of Grey

A dude at University of Illinois at Chicago decided to reenact Fifty Shades of Grey without the consent of his partner and then was surprised that he couldn’t just go home after his case went to court. How many more ways can we explain the concept of consent? How many?

On Monday, according to the Chicago Tribune, 19-year-old Mohammad Hossain was given bail at $500,000 after prosecuting Assistant State’s Attorney Sarah Karr argued that the bionuclear Student attacked a woman he’d been intimate with before with tricks he picked up from the S&M-driven film. The problem is one of consent, she argued, the consent that Hossain didn’t obtain from his partner after inviting her to his dorm room where he tied her up with a belt and then filled her mouth with a necktie.

Hossain used a knit cap to cover the woman’s eyes, Karr said, and removed the woman’s bra and underwear. He then began striking the woman with a belt. After hitting her several times, the woman told Hossain he was hurting her, told him to stop, "and began shaking her head and crying," said Karr.

Hossain continued striking the woman — including with his fists, according to an arrest report — and she managed to get one arm, and then another, free. But he then held her arms behind her back and sexually assaulted her as she continued to plead for him to stop, according to Karr.

Not long after the assault, Hossain’s roommate came home and he didn’t let him in the room, said prosecutors. Then the victim left, told another person and the police. On Saturday night, Hossain was arrested, admitted "doing something wrong" and Allegedly that he got the idea of the assault from Fifty Shades of Grey.

Guys, do not do this. Don’t be this guy. The irony here is that the whole basis of S&M is consent and established safe words to be deployed when things get too intense or violent. How this guy missed that is just …

And if you are so daft that you think you should do everything that you see in films, please stay away from the theater. Hollywood is fine without your patronage.

cassiebearRAWRaHillary Crosley Coker
Yesterday 6:45pm
This reminds me of the time I saw Lord of the Rings and then I started summoning giant walls of water to expel ring wraiths from Rivendell.

Yesterday 6:56pm

Yesterday 6:59pm
I heard the same thing when I & 10 of my friends robbed 3 casinos on fight night

Yesterday 7:43pm
And then you got expelled from school for threatening your classmate with the One Ring!

Yesterday 7:51pm

I liked the dad in that story:

‘"I assure you my son lacks the magical powers necessary to threaten his friend’s existence," the boy’s father later wrote in an email. "If he did, I’m sure he’d bring him right back."’