Ke$ha Sues Producer for Sexual Assault & Battery; Producer sues Back

Ke$ha Sues Producer for Sexual Assault & Battery; Producer Sues Back

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Kesha was sexually, physically, verbally and emotionally abused for 10 years by her producer, Dr. Luke, to the point where she nearly died.

According to a new lawsuit — obtained by TMZ — Kesha claims Dr. Luke was abusive towards her almost from the get-go — when she signed on with him at 18 — and made repeated Sexual advances toward her. She claims he would force her to use drugs and alcohol to remove her defenses.

In one instance, Kesha claims he forced her to snort something before getting on a plane … and during the trip he forced himself on her while she was drugged.

On another occasion, Kesha claims after forcing her to drink with him, Dr. Luke gave her what he called "sober pills." Kesha claims she woke up the following afternoon, naked in Dr. Luke’s bed, sore, sick … and with no memory of how she got there.

Kesha says the alleged abuse led to her eating disorder — a story TMZ broke earlier this year. She claims Dr. Luke said, among other things, "You are not that pretty, you are not that talented, you are just lucky to have me." As we reported, she claims he called her "a fat f***ing refrigerator."

Kesha also says there was physical abuse … once she says he attacked her at his Malibu house where he was "violently thrashing his arms at her." She says she escaped and ran barefoot down PCH and hid in the mountains.

Kesha is asking a judge to let her out of her contract with Luke.

Kesha’s lawyer, Mark Geragos, tells TMZ … "This lawsuit is a wholehearted effort by Kesha to regain control of her music career and her personal freedom after suffering for ten years as a victim of mental manipulation, emotional abuse and an instance of Sexual Assault at the hands of Dr. Luke."

Geragos adds, "The facts presented in our lawsuit paint a picture of a man who is controlling and willing to commit horrible acts of abuse in an attempt to intimidate an impressionable, talented, young female artist into submission for his personal gain. Kesha is focused on moving her life and her career beyond this terrible time."

DR LUKE Sues Kesha right back: She is a liar who extorted me.

Kesha is a liar who is making up stories just so she can get out of her legally binding contract with Dr. Luke … and she tried extorting him to boot … this according to a new lawsuit.

Luke filed suit hours after Kesha filed her own lawsuit … accusing him of Sexual and physical Assault over a period of years.

But in Luke’s lawsuit … he says the pack of lies is being engineered by Kesha’s mother, Pebe and Kesha’s new management firm. Luke claims Kesha tried to extort him by threatening to spread lies about him to a blogger who started a "Free Kesha" website unless he released her from her recording contract.

And Luke’s says in his lawsuit he’s had a copy of a draft of Kesha’s new abuse lawsuit for months, and she was threatening to file it if he didn’t release her. In other words, he’s alleging more extortion.

Luke’s lawyer, Christine Lepera, tells TMZ, Kesha’s lawsuit about abuse is part of "a campaign of publishing outrageous and untrue statements," calling the allegations scurrilous.

Lepera says Kesha and her mom have already admitted the statements are *****.

Dr. Luke Sues Kesha — She’s A Liar Who Extorted Me |

But Ke$ha only seems to be suing to get out of her contract than for money, so how is that extortion?

Ecuador’s PR Firm Sues Sharon Stone, actress absconded with $275,000

Ecuador’s PR Firm Sues Sharon Stone, actress absconded with $275,000

Ecuador’s PR Firm Sues Sharon Stone

MCSquared PR alleges actress absconded with 5,000 for government-funded anti-Chevron event

February 25,2020

A public relations Firm representing the government of Ecuador sued Sharon Stone in federal court on Tuesday alleging that the actress absconded with a large speaking fee for work promoting that government’s long-running legal and political battle against oil giant Chevron.

The complaint, filed by New York-based MCSquared PR, alleges that Stone and the American Talent Bureau, a speaking agency that represented her, accepted 5,000 to attend an anti-Chevron event in Ecuador last year but failed to appear as promised.

The lawsuit reveals additional details about MCSquared’s pricey work for the Ecuadorian government. It inked a $6.4 million contract with the government in 2024 to attack Chevron in furtherance of the government’s attempts to collect a multi-billion dollar Ecuadorian judgment against the company.


According to ********s filed with the Justice Department, MCSquared paid more than $500,000 to two talent agencies to recruit celebrities to speak out against Chevron.

Actress Mia Farrow confirmed that she was paid for her junket to the country, though she said the sum she received for that speaking engagement was less than the $188,000 that MCSquared reported paying her talent agency.

MCSquared paid $330,000 to the American Program Bureau in 2024 and 2024, ********s show. That agency represents actor Danny Glover, who has been active in the anti-Chevron campaign.

The PR firm’s lawsuit, first reported by the New York Daily News, reveals that it recruited an additional three celebrities through APB: Stone, anti-energy activist and writer Antonia Juhasz, and Alexandra Cousteau, the granddaughter of French explorer Jacques Cousteau.

MCSquared alleges that APB canceled Stone’s appearance at an event in Ecuador, scheduled for April 2024, but never returned the 5,000 it was paid for the event.

The firm’s agreement with Stone and APB was never put in writing, admitted MCSquared president Maria Garay in an affidavit accompanying the complaint. However, the Firm “entered into an oral agreement with APB and

Stone (through her agent APB) for Stone to make a three-day appearance in Ecuador from April 7-9, 2024.”

Two hours before Stone was scheduled to arrive in Ecuador, MCSquared claims, an APB representative contacted the Firm saying she had been hospitalized in Brazil and would not be appearing.

MCSquared says the agency never returned the hefty sum it paid for Stone’s appearance. APB did not respond to a request for comment.

Stone was scheduled to headline an event billed under the title, “The Devastation Big Oil Left Behind in the Ecuadorian Amazon.”

Environmentalist plaintiffs sued Chevron decades ago for alleged environmental contamination in Ecuador. They won a $9 billion judgment that an Ecuadorian court subsequently doubled.

The company has no assets in Ecuador, and the South American government, led by leftist President Rafael Correa, has actively promoted plaintiffs’ efforts to enforce the judgment in countries where Chevron assets can be seized.

A U.S. federal court ruled last year that the judgment was obtained by fraud and coercion. Chevron maintains that the judgment cannot be enforced in the Untied States. It is also fighting similar proceedings in Canada and Argentina.

The government of Ecuador hired MCSquared in 2024 to increase public pressure on Chevron. However, the Firm did not notify DOJ of its work, as required by the Foreign Agent Registration Act, until July 2024—more than a year after it was legally obligated to do so.

That has led to questions about its compliance with federal laws governing foreign propagandists and to an investigation in Ecuador brought by a member of the country’s national assembly.

MCSquared seems to relish allegations of impropriety. The Firm “has reached international notoriety for its unorthodox yet successful approach to public relations,” its website states.

Ecuador’s PR Firm Sues Sharon Stone | Washington Free Beacon

Teresa Giudice Sues Bankruptcy Lawyer for $5 Million

Teresa Giudice Sues Bankruptcy Lawyer for $5 Million…154020792

Can none of these people accept responsibility for their own actions????

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خليجية(Getty Images)

Teresa Giudice is throwing one last punch before she reports to prison in January, suing her former Bankruptcy Lawyer for $5 million. In a petition filed in Manhattan Supreme Court Wednesday, the Real Housewives of New Jersey star claims it is James Kridel’s malpractice that ultimately resulted in her being sentenced to 15 months in federal prison for fraud.
Teresa and Joe Giudice hired Kridel back in 2024 when they filed for bankruptcy, claiming they were $11 Million in debt. In this suit, obtained by The Insider With Yahoo, Teresa claims that Kridel mishandled their entire case. Though it was dropped in 2024, the Bankruptcy filing — which Kridel oversaw for its duration — eventually led to both Teresa and Joe Giudice being charged with and convicted of federal fraud.
Related: Joe and Teresa Giudice Celebrate Last Wedding Anniversary Before Prison
In the initial 39-count indictment, the federal government accused the Giudices of hiding rental income, as well as Teresa’s Real Housewives salary. Teresa eventually pleaded guilty to four counts, including Bankruptcy fraud; Joe pleaded guilty to five. In this new suit, Teresa claims it was Kridel who failed to report the family’s earnings in full on the Bankruptcy petition and adds that Kridel never even met or spoke with Teresa before he filed their claim.
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خليجية(Splash News)

Teresa is expected to report to a federal facility in Danbury, Connecticut on Jan. 5 to begin serving her 15-month sentence. Joe will serve 41 months after Teresa is released. He also faces possible deportation. Related: Prosecutors Shoot Down Teresa Giudice’s Request to Serve Prison Sentence in Halfway House
After the Giudices’s sentencing in October, Kridel spoke with People, saying Teresa knew nothing about her family’s finances.
"I did not believe that Teresa was all that knowledgeable about any of the finances of her family until ultimately she became the breadwinner," Kridel told the magazine. "Everyone seems to blame her that she knew or should have known. I don’t find that to be true in real life, though. People come in and sign tax returns quite often, and the spouse who is not in charge of the finances has no information. They just do what the accountant tells them."
Yahoo has reached out to James Kridel for comment on the suit, and will update if and when he responds.

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Quentin Tarantino sues Gawker over Hateful Eight ****** leak

Quentin Tarantino sues Gawker over Hateful Eight ****** leak

Quentin Tarantino has taken legal action over the leak of his ****** for Hateful Eight.

The director, who ****ved plans to make the Western after the leak last week, has filed a copyright lawsuit against Gawker Media for disseminating copies of the ******, according to The Hollywood Reporter.
Shortly after news of the leak surfaced, a link to the full ****** was posted on Gawker‘s Defamer blog.

"Gawker Media has made a business of predatory journalism, violating people’s rights to make a buck," the lawsuit reads. "This time they went too far.

"Rather than merely publishing a news story reporting that Plaintiff’s screenplay may have been circulating in Hollywood without his permission, Gawker Media crossed the journalistic line by promoting itself to the public as the first source to read the entire Screenplay illegally."

Tarantino said last week that the leak had left him feeling betrayed and "very depressed", and ****d several people with whom he had shared the ****** including actors Michael Madsen, Tim Roth and Bruce Dern, and Dango Unchained producer Reggie Hudlin.

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EXCLUSIVE: Learning today that his ****** The Hateful Eight leaked after he gave it to a small circle of actors, Quentin Tarantino tells me that he’s so upset that he has decided that he will not direct that film next. So basically that means the conversation that will be circulating around town following this story with Tarantino goes from an ensemble Western to a whodunit. As in, which actor or their reps leaked the ****** that, as a result, is going on the ****f — literally a bookstore ****f, because Tarantino tells me he will publish it first and maybe revisit the prospect of a movie in the next five years.

“I’m very, very depressed,” Tarantino said. “I finished a ******, a first draft, and I didn’t mean to shoot it until next winter, a year from now. I gave it to six people, and apparently it’s gotten out today.” He learned that when his longtime agent Mike Simpson began getting phone calls from agents looking to pitch their clients for roles in the ensemble Western.

So who could have done this? “I gave it to one of the producers on Django Unchained, Reggie Hudlin, and he let an agent come to his house and read it,” Tarantino said. “That’s a betrayal, but not crippling because the agent didn’t end up with the ******. There is an ugly maliciousness to the rest of it. I gave it to three actors:Michael Madsen, Bruce Dern, Tim Roth. The one I know didn’t do this is Tim Roth. One of the others let their agent read it, and that agent has now passed it on to everyone in Hollywood. I don’t know how these fucking agents work, but I’m not making this next. I’m going to publish it, and that’s it for now. I give it out to six people, and if I can’t trust them to that degree, then I have no desire to make it. I’ll publish it. I’m done. I’ll move on to the next thing. I’ve got 10 more where that came from.”

خليجيةTarantino told me he suspects the dispersal came from CAA, which reps Dern. I spoke to someone inside CAA I trust, and they vehemently denied they could have been the source. They noted that a problem is that Tarantino possibly dispersed the ****** himself, without a watermark that usually prevents someone from secretly dispersing the screenplay. Because of that, this is an unsolvable breach. It would be difficult to prove anyway, because if an agent asked an assistant to copy a ******, and that assistant shared it with peers at other agencies, and it suddenly found its way to a blogger, the agent would not even know they’d unwittingly put the screenplay into circulation.

This is an odd story. Usually when a guy like me gets the call from a major director like Tarantino and walks away with a seismic story like this, it’s a good day. I must admit, I spent most of the phone call trying to talk Tarantino out of dumping the project. I want to see the movie, and I truly want to see the 77-year-old Dern get another chance to shine in a killer lead role after his brilliant turn in Nebraska. Tarantino said that he loves Dern, and likely will write him a big role in the film he’ll do instead. He would not divulge any details, even the genre of this other project. Given what happened here, who can blame Tarantino?

The filmmaker acknowledges that this is mostly about feeling betrayed, because he does not have an aversion to the inevitable blogger evaluation of his screenplays. He just cannot believe it’s going to happen this early in the process, when he has just begun talking to Harvey Weinstein about how they’re going to make it.

“I am not talking out of both sides of my mouth, because I do like the fact that everyone eventually posts it, gets it and reviews it on the net,” Tarantino said. “Frankly, I wouldn’t want it any other way. I like the fact that people like my shit, and that they go out of their way to find it and read it. But I gave it to six motherfucking people! Starting this week, I’ll be setting meetings with publishers.”Related: Quentin Tarantino Reveals Next Film Project – At Least The Genre: Video

After more of my attempt to persuade him to let things die down — he made a mission movie in Inglourious Basterds and a Western-style film in Django Unchained, so who wouldn’t want to see him tackle a true ensemble Western? — Tarantino allowed that: “I could totally change my mind; I own the fucking thing. But I can tell you, it’s not going to be the next thing I do. It’s my baby, and if the muse calls me later to do it, we’ll do it. I was thinking about the idea of maybe publishing it before I made it, but now that deal happens for sure, and I’m not doing it next.”

The other ****** was one he had on his mind lately, so it might not take that long. “The idea was, I was going to write two ******s,” he said. “I wasn’t going to shoot the Western until next winter, and I have been full of piss and vinegar about the other one. So now I’ll do that one.”

He hopes that this might cause reps and actors to be more discreet. When I broke news of the ******’s title, I said I’d heard that the actors it went to included Dern, and Christoph Waltz. I was wrong about the latter. Instead it was Madsen, star of Reservoir Dogs and the Kill Bill films, and Pulp Fiction star Roth.

“I hadn’t given it to Christoph, I haven’t given it to Sam Jackson,” he said. “I gave it to three motherfucking actors. We met in a place, and I put it in their hands. Reggie Hudlin’s agent never had a copy. It’s got to be either the agents of Dern or Madsen. Please **** ****s.”
Quentin Tarantino ****ves ‘The Hateful Eight’ After Betrayal Results In ****** Leak –

McDonalds Man Sues for $1.5 Million They Only Gave Me ONE NAPKIN!!!

McDonalds Man Sues for .5 Million They Only Gave Me ONE NAPKIN!!!

McDonalds has made a new golden arch enemy — a California man is suing the company for .5 Million … because he says he Only got ONE NAPKIN with his meal.

***ster Lucas claims he was stiffed on napkins at the Mickey D’s in Pacoima, CA on January 29th — after ordering a Quarter Pounder Deluxe — and when he went up to the counter to ask for more, he was rudely rebuffed by the manager … who insisted he already got some.

According to his lawsuit, Lucas — who is black — then retorted, "I should have went to eat at the Jack-in-the-Box because I didn’t come here to argue over napkins. I came here to eat."

That’s when Lucas says things got racist — claiming the manager (a Mexican-American) mumbled something about "you people."

Lucas subsequently emailed the general manager to complain — insisting he couldn’t work because of the "undue mental anguish" he was suffering as a result of the napkin debacle — and says he was insultingly offered free burgers in return.

Lucas wants to super size instead — .5 million.

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White lesbian sues sperm bank for conceiving Afro American baby

White lesbian sues sperm bank for conceiving Afro American baby

Another victim(s) of the IVF minefield?

OCTOBER 01, 2024
White woman sues, says sperm bank gave vials from black donor

Chicago: A White Ohio woman is suing an Illinois sperm bank, alleging that the company mistakenly gave her vials from an African-American donor, a fact that she said has made it difficult for her and her same-sex partner to raise their now 2-year-old daughter in an all-white community.

Jennifer Cramblett of Uniontown, Ohio, alleges in the lawsuit filed in **** County Circuit Court, that Midwest sperm Bank, based in Downers Grove, sent her the vials of an African-American donor’s sperm in September 2024 instead of those of a White donor that she and her White partner had ordered.

After searching through pages of comprehensive histories for their top three donors, the lawsuit claims, Ms Cramblett and her domestic partner, Amanda Zinkon, chose donor No. 380, who was also white. Their doctor in Ohio received vials from donor No. 330, who is African-American, the lawsuit said.

Ms Cramblett, 36, learned of the mistake in April 2024, when she was pregnant and ordering more vials so that the couple could have another child with sperm from the same donor, according to the lawsuit.

She is suing Midwest sperm bank for wrongful birth and breach of warranty, citing the emotional and economic losses she has suffered.

An attorney for Midwest sperm bank said that the company would not comment on pending litigation.

"On August 21, 2024, Jennifer gave birth to Payton, a beautiful, obviously mixed-race baby girl," the lawsuit states. "Jennifer bonded with Payton easily and she and Amanda love her very much. Even so, Jennifer lives each day with fears, anxieties and uncertainty about her future and Payton’s future."

Raising a mixed-race daughter has been stressful in Ms Cramblett and Ms Zinkon’s small, all-white community, according to the suit. Ms Cramblett was raised around people with stereotypical attitudes about non-whites, the lawsuit states, and did not know African-Americans until she attended college at the University of Akron.

"Because of this background and upbringing, Jennifer acknowledges her limited cultural competency relative to African-Americans and steep learning curve, particularly in small, homogenous Uniontown, which she regards as too racially intolerant," the lawsuit states.

Part of that learning curve has included getting her daughter’s hair cut, which according to the suit requires Ms Cramblett to travel to a black neighbourhood, "where she is obviously different in appearance, and not overtly welcome".

She fears that her "all-white and unconsciously insensitive family," who has never been able to fully embrace Jennifer’s homosexuality, could have a negative effect on her daughter, according to the lawsuit.

"Though compelled to repress her individuality amongst family members, Payton’s differences are irrepressible, and Jennifer does not want Payton to feel stigmatised or unrecognised due simply to the circumstances of her birth," the lawsuit states. "Jennifer’s stress and anxiety intensify when she envisions Payton entering an all-white school."

Ms Cramblett’s therapists have advised her that for her and her child’s psychological well-being, she must relocate to a racially diverse community with good schools, according to the suit.

The lawsuit alleges that the error occurred because the sperm bank keeps handwritten instead of electronic records, which allowed the donor numbers to be misread.

A month after Ms Cramblett said she learned of the mistake, according to the lawsuit, the sperm bank sent her a typed letter of apology along with a refund check for the six vials of incorrect sperm that were sent to her in September 2024.

Chicago Tribune

John Mayer Sues Charlie Sheen’s BFF You Sold Me Fake Rolexes!

John Mayer Sues Charlie Sheen’s BFF You Sold Me Fake Rolexes!


خليجيةMaron’s lawyer, Eric George, just came out swinging, telling TMZ, "John Mayer, who briefly claimed expertise in Rolexes but now has apparently changed his mind, has brought a lawsuit that is legally and factually meritless. Mr. Maron refuses to pay Mr. Mayer a cent to settle his frivolous claim, and will instead defeat him in court."
John Mayer
spent $5 MILLION on what he believed were authentic, antique Rolex watches … but claims he was defrauded by Charlie Sheen‘s best buddy.

Mayer is a big-time watch collector. He claims in a new lawsuit — obtained by TMZ — he met watch dealer Robert Maron in 2024 and told him he was on the hunt for rare Rolexes to add to his stash of timepieces.

Mayer says he bought a number of watches, and all seemed well. But in 2024, Mayer sent one of the Rolexes to the manufacturer for repair and got word back, "The watch was not authentic in all respects."

Mayer claims Maron admitted to him Rolex was right but called it an "isolated event." Mayer says Maron took the watch back and gave him a credit, which Mayer used to buy another Rolex.

Mayer claims in 2024 Rolex informed him at least 7 of the watches Maron Sold him were counterfeit.

Apparently Mayer is still satisfied with some of the watches, but he wants a refund for the 7, which totals $656,000.

As for the Sheen connection — Charlie’s also a big watch collector and became extremely close to Maron, even using him as his manager.

Read more: John Mayer Sues Charlie Sheen’s BFF — You Sold Me FAKE Rolexes! |

Tia Mowry Sues Tweet Manager for Taking Half of Sponsored Tweets Earnings

Tia Mowry Sues Tweet Manager for Taking Half of Sponsored Tweets Earnings

Tia Mowry Sues Over Tweet Deal Gone Wrong — #Wheresmy108k #SeeUinCourt |

Tia Mowry

Sues Over Tweet Deal Gone Wrong

#Wheresmy108k #SeeUinCourt

5/1/2014 1:00 PM PDT BY TMZ STAFF

breaking news
Thanks to "Sister Sister" star Tia Mowry we now know why some celebs can’t stop Tweeting — because they can make a bloody fortune doing it … but Mowry claims she got bamboozled out of her Earnings by a double-dealing agent.

Tia filed a lawsuit — obtained by TMZ — which shows she made deals to send Sponsored Tweets for certain companies … deals that were supposed to have paid her more than $108,000!!

But according to the suit … the agent she hired to handle her Twitter deals soaked her for far more than the 10% commission to which he was entitled — and instead took more than Half of the Tweet deal cash.

Mowry says she’s been cheated out of nearly $60K. She’s suing for that, plus another $120K in punitive damages.

Read more: Tia Mowry Sues Over Tweet Deal Gone Wrong — #Wheresmy108k #SeeUinCourt |

Family Sues N.Y. Nursing Home Over Male Stripper Visit

Family Sues N.Y. Nursing Home Over Male Stripper Visit

Photo of Nursing Home patient Bernice Youngblood with visiting stripper

An 85-year-old nursing home patient was the victim of "disgraceful sexual perversion" whena male stripper gyrated in front of her against her will at the suburban West Babylon, N.Y., facility, an attorney for the woman’s Family said Tuesday.

John Ray, the attorney for Bernice Youngblood and her family, displayed a picture of a man in white briefs dancing in front of the woman at East Neck Nursing and Rehabilitation Center in September 2024.

The photo, which Ray said Youngblood’s son found during a Visit to his mother, shows the woman putting money into the dancer’s waistband.

Ray said Youngblood had been urged to participate and did so against her will. The Family has filed suit against the Nursing Home seeking unspecified damages.


Ray said Youngblood, who herself had worked as a health aide for the elderly, had her dignity taken away when "nursing Home employees subjected her to this disgraceful sexual perversion."

Youngblood, who attended the news conference in a wheelchair with some of her relatives at her side, mumbled in a barely audible voice that she felt "terrible" and "ashamed" about what happened, but did not remember details.

Howard Fensterman, an attorney representing the facility, said a 16-member resident committee had requested the September 2024 performance and the Nursing Home paid the $250 fee.

Fensterman said the facility’s management reserves the right to reject a request by the residents’ committee, particularly if the activity were deemed detrimental.

"But in this instance these are adults who wanted to have this activity, they requested it, they voted on it and the Nursing Home approved of it," he said.

Franklin Youngblood said he went to a Nursing supervisor for an explanation immediately after finding the photo in his mother’s bedroom drawer. The lawsuit claims the nurse attempted to grab the photo from him.

Fensterman said the girlfriend of one of Bernice Youngblood’s sons had taken her to the Stripper show, and not Nursing Home employees. Ray said Youngblood’s son disputed that claim and, in any case, that does not mean Youngblood was not harmed by what she saw.

Fensterman also chided Ray for claiming that Youngblood was suffering from dementia, while at the same time noting the woman signed a power of attorney ******** claiming she was competent to sign it.

"Ms. Youngblood suffers from partial dementia," Ray said. "She has moments of partial lucidity."

The claims and counter-claims came during a sequence of heated news conferences outside the facility in West Babylon. Reporters and cameramen jostled in a large scrum around Fensterman and Ray when they briefly became embroiled in an argument after Ray presented his counterpart with a copy of the lawsuit complaint.

The state Health Department is investigating the incident, a spokesman said.,,20804760,00