Family threatened by police — wrong house. Oh, and they’re black. Shock.

Family threatened by policewrong house. Oh, and they’re black. Shock.

Here’s a shitty story. It focuses on having the wrong house, but look at how the people were treated. That was intended for someone else, but it was intended. I hope — probably in vain — more publicity for police brutality and error and racism will result from the Michael Brown shooting. But I probably hope in vain, unless the cops start shooting little blond girls or something.

Laretta McCaskill told WCTV that she woke up at 5 a.m. Wednesday morning to a gun pointed at her head and her 16-year-old nephew in handcuffs.“I just kept hearing something, like a loud noise. I felt as if I was just dreaming,” said mother Laretta McCaskill. “Then, once I woke up, I’d seen a flashing light and a gun pointed to my head, just cops yelling, ‘hold your hands up, hold your hands up! Put your hands up!’”
The Madison County, Florida Sheriff’s Office knocked down McCaskill’s door after being issued a search warrant. The nephew, Terrance Coleman, said the cops came into his room and told him to “Turn around, turn around, turn around,” he said. “And put my hands behind my back. So, he had snatched me off the bed and put me in the living room. So, I came in here and there were guns pointed and me and my cousin. I just feel like they had misplaced me with some**** else.” It turns out the warrant was a mistake. It should have been issued for a mobile home adjacent to McCaskill’s.
“The warrant was obtained for that residence in error. It was a very unfortunate event,” said Chief Deputy Epp Richardson. “Investigators, reviewing the video from the previous transactions that had been occurring over previous months, identified the video by mistake as being the wrong mobile home. It should’ve been the mobile home that was adjacent to it.”
According to officials, Tommy Turner was the man they were looking for, and was subsequently arrested Wednesday night.
Jill E. Bond is a contributing editor of who regularly competes for time on the keyboard with her cat. Jill can be found on twitter:@JillEBond

Sheriffs bust in wrong door, put gun to woman’s head. Blue Nation Review

Charlize Theron on her son & her dogs: ‘They’re all my children, love is love’

Charlize Theron on her son & her dogs: ‘They’re all my children, love is love’


Her first time watching Mad Max: “I saw Mad Max, and I remember certain images: the road, the cars going really fast. But I didn’t know who Mel Gibson was. I thought he was just some dude who had a really cool job. In South Africa, we didn’t have the whole celebrity thing—I had no idea that people knew actors’ names.”

Shooting Mad Max in Namibia, close to South Africa: “I was conflicted. Every**** knows that feeling of going home and being giddy and then, at the same time, wanting to projectile vomit. [Laughs] The shoot lasted an eternity—we were there for seven months.”

Shaving her head for the role:
“At first, my character was going to be ghostlike and albino. And then I thought it would be stronger to shave my head. I called George [Miller] and told him my plan. He went silent, which I thought was a good sign. So I borrowed some clippers and buzzed it all off…. yes, it was really fun to shower with my bald head. You have not showered until you’ve showered hairless. That’s all I have to say.”

Her dogs and her son:
“They’re all my children. I know people get weirded out when people talk that way about their animals, but love is love and care is care, and just because one needs a diaper and the other does not doesn’t mean you don’t have a deep feeling for them. The loss of some of my dogs has been just as devastating as the loss of a family member.”

Judgy about aging:
“I do know that choosing to be a mom in my late 30s has been really great for me. It’s given me perspective… I think, like many women, I was judgmental toward women as they aged. Women, in our society, are compartmentalized so that we start to feel like we’re cut flowers and after a while we will wilt. I realize now that’s not the case—we can celebrate every age. That’s my encouragement to 20-year-olds who are terrified of getting older: Don’t have a nervous breakdown and don’t hit the Chardonnay too hard. Getting older is not that bad.”

[From W Magazine]

Cele|bitchy | Charlize Theron on her son & her dogs: ‘They’re all my children, love is love’