Oscars Flashback: The True Story Behind 1974’s Streaker – NSFW

Oscars Flashback: The True Story Behind 1974’s Streaker – NSFW

Oscars Flashback: The Story Behind the Streaker of 1974

Oscars Flashback: The True Story Behind 1974’s Streaker


Robert Opel — a conceptual artist, photographer and gay rights activist who burst onstage nude at the 46th Academy Awards — had an unorthodox life and tragic demise.

This Story first appeared in the March 7 issue of The Hollywood Reporter magazine.

The year was 1974, and producer Michael Phillips had a good view of the stage during the 46th Academy Awards ceremony. He was nominated for Best Picture, and he was anxiously waiting forElizabeth Taylor to appear and announce the winner. Suddenly a thin, dark-haired naked man came streaking out from stage left waving a two-fingered peace sign.

In the ensuing uproar, it fell to co-host David Niven, a debonair Brit best known for his portrayal of Phileas Fogg in Around the World in 80 Days, to keep things moving along. As the Streaker flashed the audience one last time before disappearing, Niven quipped, "Isn’t it fascinating to think that probably the only laugh that man will ever get in life is by stripping off and showing his shortcomings?"

After the awards resumed and Phillips’ movie, The Sting, won, a shocked Taylor approached him. "She was completely thrown by the naked man and she wanted to know if she flubbed her lines," Phillips told The Hollywood Reporter, "We had to reassure her that she was fine, and every**** had a good laugh."

The streaking incident became Hollywood lore overnight, and even now is widely cited as one of the Oscar’s most memorable moments, thanks in part to Niven’s quick riposte as the audience roared and tittered.

But the incident’s notoriety is also due to the unorthodox life and tragic demise of the Streaker himself, a conceptual artist, photographer and gay rights activist ****d Robert Opel. The Oscar streak wasn’t Opel’s first. As a member of the L.A hippy scene, Opel had shown up naked to a few Los Angeles City Council meetings to protest the ban on nudity at area beaches. He was active in the gay liberation movement and in art circles. And he had a gig as a part-time photographer for the gay newspaper The Advocate.

But the streak catapulted him to instant stardom, both in and out of the art world. Immediately after the stunt, which he had carried off by donning a jumpsuit and masquerading as an entertainment journalist, a freshly clothed Opel stood on "Winner’s Row" and held a press conference with reporters, leading some to speculate later that the whole event had been a publicity stunt. There were other accolades. Opel appeared on the Mike Douglas show. And Allan Carr, who went on to produce Grease, hired him to streak a party for the Russian dancer Rudolf Nureyev.

Opel eventually landed in San Francisco where he established Fey-Way Studios, the nation’s first openly gay art gallery in 1978. He welcomed avant-garde, controversial work, and was an early supporter of photographer Robert Maplethorpe and Tom of Finland, both of whom had shows at Fey-Way that year. But Opel’s run was not to last. The very next year, Opel, who was just 40 years old at the time, was murdered when two men burst into the studio demanding money and drugs.

They ushered Opel and two friends into a back room and tied them up. Then they shot Opel in the head.

Thirty years later, Opel’s nephew and ****sake, Robert Oppel — his uncle had dropped one "P" to help protect his family **** — returned to the scene of the crime during the research and filming ofUncle Bob, the 2024 movie he directed about

his famous relative. "He held me in his arms once," Oppel remembered, "But then he was murdered the year I was born." Oppel suspects that the killing may have been more than a simple robbery, though he can’t prove it. The killers, both of whom are in jail, agreed to talk to Oppel for the film, but prison officials refused to grant permission.

In part to commemorate his uncle’s famous stunt, last week Oppel opened up a tribute to Opel’s work at a Hollywood art gallery.

("Robert Opel: The Res-Erection of Fey-Way Studios" will run at Antebellum Gallery through March 14th, 1643 Las Palmas Ave. 90028.)

Keanu Reeves True Tragic Story

Keanu Reeves True Tragic Story


In 1999, Keanu Reeves became most famous for his role in the groundbreaking science fiction film, The Matrix. It earned an impressive $463.5 million at the box office and was nominated for and won four Academy Awards. The Matrix is a happy Story in a lot of ways, but the life of its star wasn’t always.

Now 50 years old, Keanu’s life has been full of more tragedy than you would expect from a movie star. Despite each setback, he’s kept pushing forward. It’s helped develop himself into the awesome person that he is on and off the screen.

At the age of three, his father left their family. They stayed in touch for a few years, but after the divorce and moving from city to city, they fell out of contact. Keanu attended four different high schools and struggled with dyslexia, making his education more challenging than it is for most. Eventually he left high school without earning a diploma, though through sheer will, he is an avid reader now.

At the age of 23, his closest friend River Phoenix died of a drug overdose. During a Reddit AMA last year, Keanu said: “He was a remarkable human person and actor. We got along very well, and I miss him. I think of him often.”
In 1998, Keanu met Jennifer Syme. The two fell instantly in love and by 1999, Jennifer was pregnant with their daughter. Sadly, after eight months, their child was born stillborn. They were devastated by her death and it eventually ended their relationship. 18 months later, Syme would die in a car accident.

In 2024, Reeves told Parade Magazine,
“Grief changes shape, but it never ends.”

It’s a lesson that we’ll all likely learn.

Even with those incredible tragedies, Reeves would push on. He’s starred in a variety of blockbusters and has become a wealthy man, but the pain of his losses has changed how he thinks about money. He’s well known in Hollywood for being among the more charitable actors. After the successes of The Matrix and its sequels, Reeves gave $80 million of his $114 million earnings to the special effects and makeup staff of the films.

He also took pay cuts on the films The Replacements and The Devil’s Advocates so stars like Gene Hackman and Al Pacino would agree to be in the film while keeping casting within the designated budget.

There are some incredible personal accounts of his kindness as well. Redditor Kahi made the following comment about the Sad Keanu meme:

“A family friend builds movie sets, doesn’t design, is one of the poor dudes that just builds. Anyways he worked on the set for the Matrix and Keanu heard about family trouble he was having and gave him a $20,000 Christmas bonus to help him out. He also was one of the only people on the set that genuinely wanted to know people’s names, would say hello and mean it, and would talk to people as if they were his peers and not below him just because they were practically making nothing to build a set. I’ve never heard anyone say Keanu is a douche, seems like the nicest person in Hollywood from a second hand experience.”

In his AMA, he told fans that he likes to keep it simple. In 2024, Keanu told Hello! Magazine: “Money is the last thing I think about. I could live on what I have already made for the next few centuries.”

Even though he’s likely worth $100 million, the man still rides the subway. And he’s super nice about it too.

So in the end, I think we can all pretty well agree that even in the face of tragedy, a stellar person can thrive.
Keanu Reeves True Tragic Story

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