Seth Rogen Calls Nancy Grace a "F–king Dumbass" Over Anti-Marijuana Tweets

Seth Rogen Calls Nancy Grace a "F–king Dumbass" Over Anti-Marijuana Tweets


Twitter feud *****!
Seth Rogen had something not so nice to say to Nancy Grace earlier today after she went on an Anti-Marijuana Twitter rant.

Grace took to the social media site to share her thoughts about a recent Colorado shooting,writing, "Cops say daddy eats marijuana & goes crazy. He shoots his wife in the head while she pleads with 9-1-1 for help! #PotToBlame?"

"If pot makes you mellow and laid back, why does this guy allegedly turn berserk and gun down his wife? #PotToBlame?" the 54-year-old HLN host continued.

She added, "How many people must die before this stops?! #PotToBlame?"

That’s when Rogen, an outspoken marijuana advocate, fired off. "@NancyGraceHLN you are a f–king dumbass," the Pineapple Express tweeted.

And believe it or not, Grace responded! "@Sethrogen hi seth! thx for watching!" she postedon her Twiite…s-she-responds

Daughter live tweets her dad dying

Daughter live tweets her dad dying

“Jokes can be noble. Laughs are exactly as honorable as tears. Laughter and tears are both responses to frustration and exhaustion, to the futility of thinking and striving anymore. I myself prefer to laugh, since there is less cleaning up to do afterward — and since I can start thinking and striving again that much sooner.”

Kurt Vonnegut, St. Clement’s Episcopal Church, April 19, 1980

Comedian and "Conan" writer Laurie Kilmartin is, at the time of this posting, watching her father pass away. She and her mother and sister are doing all of the things that families often do when a loved one is in their last days: they’re helping him to the bathroom, organizing visits with grandchildren, professing their love again and again, reassuring him it’s ok to go, watching and waiting, waiting, waiting.
And the one other thing they’re doing is laughing.
The reason we know what Kilmartin is going through is because she has been live tweeting the entire experience. And before you tsk-tsk the whole thing as another sad emblem of "the way the world is now," you should go back and look at the posts. If you’ve ever lost a parent, you will most likely relate. If you have yet to, you may find something that will one day help you cope with your own loss.
Among the myriad tweets are wry observations of the day-to-day business of dealing with a sick parent……w_p=tweetembed

Laurie Kilmartin Is Live Tweeting Her Father’s Last Days… And It Is Heartbreakingly Funny

Personally, i’d LOVE it if my Daughter did something like this. My life has been one of humor, normal and NOT normal.

[NSFW] Texas News Station Accidentally Tweets Gay Porn instead of Weather Report

[NSFW] Texas News Station Accidentally Tweets Gay Porn instead of Weather Report


Local News service Tweets an image of gay Porn [NSFW]

TWC News Austin took a break from traffic reports to post a photo of gay porn, as “your 5:12 p.m. update.”



This officially joins US Airways’ “plane crashing in a vagina” and WREG-TV’s “rockboneTweets as one of the most glorious social media fuck-ups ever.

The culprit? *******, of course! Or at least so they claimed at first, in a tweet that read, “My Twitter account has been ******.”

But this tweet was deleted, followed by this one:

TWC News Austin @TWCNewsAustin

We sincerely apologize for an earlier tweet which contained offensive content. We are investigating what happened.

George Zimmerman’s parents sue Roseanne Barr over tweets

George Zimmerman’s parents sue Roseanne Barr over tweets

George Zimmerman’s parents have sued Roseanne Barr for tweeting their address two years ago, which they claim forced them to go into hiding before he was charged with killing Trayvon Martin.

The lawsuit, filed Monday, said the comedian, activist and 2024 presidential candidate published their identities, address and phone number March 29, 2024.

"At first I thought it was good to let ppl know that no one can hide anymore," Barrwrote.

She subsequently deleted that tweet.

Barr later tweeted, "If Zimmerman isn’t arrested I’ll rt his address again — maybe go 2 his house myself."

George Zimmerman had not lived at the house in Lake Mary, Fla., since 2024, though his ****d remained on the title until 2024, the suit states.

Zimmerman’s parents accused Barr of knowing her tweets were "an open and obvious call for vigilante justice" and intending "to cause a lynch mob to descend" on their home, which they bought in 2001

They also allege that she violated Twitter’s terms of service by publishing personal information without their consent.

Barr’s conduct "went beyond all possible bounds of decency and is utterly intolerable in a civilized community," the suit contends.

The Zimmermans claim they were "forced to flee their home as a direct result" of Barr’s tweets and "have not been able to return to live in the house." But the Orlando Sentinel reported that Robert Zimmerman had told the newspaper March 15, 2024, that he and his wife had already moved out because of death threats after their son shot the 17-year-old Trayvon during a struggle Feb. 12.

The Zimmermans are seeking an unspecified amount more than $15,000 for emotional distress and invasion of privacy.

No public response yet from "the original domestic goddess."

George Zimmerman, a former neighborhood-watch volunteer, was acquitted last summer of murdering Trayvon, which he claimed was in self-defense. The boy was unarmed.

Zimmerman says in a new video posted by his divorce attorneys that he wishes people had "a clean slate" about him, "just no prejudice."

"Just think of me as me the person, not who I’ve been portrayed as by the media, by the state, by the government, whomever it may be," he said

He said the video, which was recorded Friday and posted Wednesday, was an effort to "show America who I truly am."

"On a grand scale, I would like to make enough of an impact on the judicial system so that what happens to me never happens to any****," Zimmerman said.

Zimmerman’s parents sue Roseanne Barr over tweets

Perez Hilton tweets "Inside every gay man is a fierce black woman"

Perez Hilton tweets "Inside every gay man is a fierce black woman"

Perez Hilton whips up a Twitter firestorm after being accused of ‘likening black women to Hitler’

The ever-controversial Perez Hilton has whipped up a Twitter firestorm after stating that ‘inside every gay man is a fierce black woman.’
The openly gay gossip columnist, who has a one-year-old son through surrogacy, posted the remark yesterday and was quickly branded ‘racist’ and ‘ignorant’ as a result.

But adding further insult to injury Mr Hilton, 35, then stated that he wasn’t sorry for what he’d said and brazenly tweeted: ‘Some present logical arguments but then Hitler attempted to justify the holocaust too.’


Under fire: The ever-controversial Perez Hilton has whipped up a Twitter firestorm after stating that ‘inside every gay man is a fierce black woman’

Within the space of a few hours, the news site announced: ‘Perez Hilton Just Compared black Women to Hitler on Twitter.’
And Clutch Magazine also called him out for the tweet.

Britni Danielle wrote in an article: ‘Over the course of several tweets, Hilton went from trying to explain what he meant (apparently, giving black women props) to asserting that he was “not sorry” for what he said.

‘After being taken to task for several hours, Hilton then compared those who had the gall to call him out on lazy stereotyping of both black women and gay men to the Nazi leader, because….who even knows.’
Some commenters noted how Mr Hilton’s remarks have become more outlandish the more successful he’s become.

‘I remember when Perez Hilton’s “headquarters” was located in a local Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf in Hollywood!’ one mused.

Source of controversy: The openly gay gossip columnist, who has a one-year-old son through surrogacy, posted the remark yesterday and was quickly branded ‘racist’ and ‘ignorant’ as a result


But adding further insult to injury Mr Hilton, 35, then stated that he wasn’t sorry for what he’d said and brazenly tweeted: ‘Some present logical arguments but then Hitler attempted to justify the holocaust too’

‘In recent years, he has become even more mean spirited, to the point I can’t read his blog any more!

‘The insults and outing of gay people (those of which who may want to keep their lives private for whatever reason) is just too much.’

Mr Hilton, who was christened Mario Armando Lavandeira, Jr. but changed his **** for professional reasons, is an American blogger and television personality.

His blog, – formerly – is known for posts covering gossip items about celebrities. He is also known for posting tabloid photographs over which he has added his own captions or "doodles".

His blog has garnered negative attention for its attitude, its former outing of alleged closeted celebrities and its role in the increasing coverage of celebrities in all forms of media.
The blogger moved from Los Angeles last year and is now ****d in New York with his first child, Mario Armando Lavandeira III, born on February 16, 2024.

Read more: Perez Hilton ‘likens black women to Hitler’ on Twitter | Mail Online
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Tia Mowry Sues Tweet Manager for Taking Half of Sponsored Tweets Earnings

Tia Mowry Sues Tweet Manager for Taking Half of Sponsored Tweets Earnings

Tia Mowry Sues Over Tweet Deal Gone Wrong — #Wheresmy108k #SeeUinCourt |

Tia Mowry

Sues Over Tweet Deal Gone Wrong

#Wheresmy108k #SeeUinCourt

5/1/2014 1:00 PM PDT BY TMZ STAFF

breaking news
Thanks to "Sister Sister" star Tia Mowry we now know why some celebs can’t stop Tweeting — because they can make a bloody fortune doing it … but Mowry claims she got bamboozled out of her Earnings by a double-dealing agent.

Tia filed a lawsuit — obtained by TMZ — which shows she made deals to send Sponsored Tweets for certain companies … deals that were supposed to have paid her more than $108,000!!

But according to the suit … the agent she hired to handle her Twitter deals soaked her for far more than the 10% commission to which he was entitled — and instead took more than Half of the Tweet deal cash.

Mowry says she’s been cheated out of nearly $60K. She’s suing for that, plus another $120K in punitive damages.

Read more: Tia Mowry Sues Over Tweet Deal Gone Wrong — #Wheresmy108k #SeeUinCourt |

Tom Hanks’ son unloads on Howard Stern in profanity-filled tweets

Tom Hanks’ son unloads on Howard Stern in profanity-filled tweets

Wonderwall, Tuesday, March 31,2020, 3:06pm (PDT) By Mark Gray

  • Tom Hanks‘ rapper son has long had a feud with Howard Stern, but his hatred for the host went over the top on March 30.
    Chet Haze took to Twitter to absolutely unload on the shock jock, threatening to assault the host and trying to coerce Howard into letting him be a guest on his Sirius radio show

    In a profanity-filled post, Tom’s second-born son said Howard’s show wasn’t funny and that his act was "outdated."
    "The young generation doesn’t know you,” Chet said.

    Over time, his tweets became more and more volatile.
    "Do you have any idea how badly I am going to assault you when I see you," he tweeted, aimed at Howard. "You can’t run from me forever."

  • خليجيةخليجية

    Chet’s beef with the host stems back to 2024 when Howard mocked Haze for his rap persona, especially given his wealthy upbringing. Other hosts have echoed Howard’s sentiments, but none of them have felt Chet’s social media ire quite like Howard.
    Chet seems aware of how this will all be played out in the media, but he says he’s unaffected by it.
    "I AM A WALKING PR DISASTER," he tweeted in a another obscenity-laced tweet. "I DONT LIVE MY LIFE BY ANY****S RULES BUT MY OWN…"