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Tia Mowry Sues Tweet Manager for Taking Half of Sponsored Tweets Earnings

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Tia Mowry Sues Tweet Manager for Taking Half of Sponsored Tweets Earnings

Tia Mowry Sues Over Tweet Deal Gone Wrong — #Wheresmy108k #SeeUinCourt | TMZ.com

Tia Mowry

Sues Over Tweet Deal Gone Wrong

#Wheresmy108k #SeeUinCourt

5/1/2014 1:00 PM PDT BY TMZ STAFF

breaking news
Thanks to "Sister Sister" star Tia Mowry we now know why some celebs can’t stop Tweeting — because they can make a bloody fortune doing it … but Mowry claims she got bamboozled out of her Earnings by a double-dealing agent.

Tia filed a lawsuit — obtained by TMZ — which shows she made deals to send Sponsored Tweets for certain companies … deals that were supposed to have paid her more than $108,000!!

But according to the suit … the agent she hired to handle her Twitter deals soaked her for far more than the 10% commission to which he was entitled — and instead took more than Half of the Tweet deal cash.

Mowry says she’s been cheated out of nearly $60K. She’s suing for that, plus another $120K in punitive damages.

Read more: Tia Mowry Sues Over Tweet Deal Gone Wrong — #Wheresmy108k #SeeUinCourt | TMZ.com

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