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WTF is this and how did she find a Doctor to do it?

WTF is this and how did she find a Doctor to do it?

Jasmine Tridevil: The woman with three breasts

A WOMAN has spent $20,000 on surgery to get a third breast and her dream is to become a celebrity. The Florida massage therapist, who calls herself Jasmine Tridevil, said she had the surgery a few months ago.
“It was really hard finding someone that would do it, too, because they’re breaking the code of ethics,” Tridevil told Real Radio 104.1.
“I called like 50 or 60 doctors, no**** wanted to do it.”

Jasmine Tridevil got surgery so she could have three breasts. Source: Facebook Source: Supplied

Last month she posted a YouTube video of herself in a bikini while Radiohead’s Creep plays in the background.

Three breasted woman

Tridevil said her extra breast felt like her other breasts, “the only difference is the nipple”, which she had to get tattooed on.
The 21-year-old saved up for two years so she could have the surgery and is also paying for a film crew to follow her around.
“My whole dream is to get this show on MTV,” she said.
“I’m dumping every penny I have into this. If this doesn’t work, I’m through.”

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