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18 Tons of Crisco Goes Missing in . wait for it . you guessed it Florida

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18 Tons of Crisco Goes Missing in… wait for it… you guessed it…… Florida

*****ee! Dammit – we’ve talked about this. Give it up!

Slippery Slope
18 Tons of Crisco vegetable shortening have gone Missing in St. Petersburg, Florida.

From the Tampa Bay Times:

A semitrailer truck stolen Sunday morning from a towing company was carrying approximately 36,000 pounds of Crisco sticks destined for delivery to a Publix distribution center in Lakeland, according to St. Petersburg Police Department reports.

Authorities say citizens should report any sightings of someone trying to sneak out of Florida with 18 Tons of Crisco stuffed into a trenchcoat.

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