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اقوى مشغلات الميديا على الاطلاقMedia Player

اقوى مشغلات الميديا على الاطلاقMedia Player

Media Player Codec Pack 4.3.8


مشغل المالتي ميديا الاكثر من الرائع والذي حاز علي اعجاب الجميع
تستطيع ان تقوم بتشغيل العديد من الصيغ بجوده عاليه وكذلك بنقاء شديد
وايضا من اهم مميزات البرنامج خفته وسهوله التعامل معه

Media Player codec pack is a Windows codec pack created for video and audio playback to allow you to fully enjoy your multimedia files. It supports almost every compression and file type used by modern video and audio files. The package includes video codecs and filters, such as ffdshow, LAV, XviD Encoder and Flash FLV, audio codecs and filters (AC3Filter, LAV Audio, DivX Audio and Lame MP3), plus a collection of other source splitters and filters. The installer gives you the power to pick the components you wish to deploy on your computer. media Player Codec Pack gives you a chance to set some file associations straight from the installer, which means you can set up Windows Media Player to handle MKV, VOB, FLV, FLAC, OGG and a bunch of other files by default. By using SlySoft AnyDVD HD with this Codec Pack, Windows Vista and Windows 7 users can play: Protected Blu-ray, AVCHD, HD-DVD, DVD, CD

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