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المؤتمر الدولي في رؤى الحاسب وتحليل الصور

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المؤتمر الدولي في رؤى الحاسب وتحليل الصور

المؤتمر الدولي في رؤى الحاسب وتحليل الصور

Extended Submission: 25 November to 19 December 2024

ICCVIA’2020will be an international forum for discussions on recent advances in the fields of Computer Vision; Image Analysis; and on applications of these technologies in various fields.
We seek novel paper sub missions to be presented or posted (as a poster paper)
in ICCVIA’2015 with topics broadly including, but not limited to :
Image formation and preprocessing Image and video analysis
Image and video understanding
Industrial Applications and services for Image Processing Motion, tracking and stereo vision
Human-Computer Interaction Intelligent Environments Multimedia
Intelligent Robots
Image Processing and Computer vision
Machine Learning and Pattern Recognition
Industrial Applications for Computer ‘vision
Cognitive Models for interpretation, Integration and Control Machine Learning Technologies for vision
Face and Expression Recognition
Content-based Indexing, Search, and Retrieval
Object and Face Recognition Object detection and Localization
Categorization and Scene Understanding
Event and Human Activity Recognition
Computational Photography Near Duplicate Image Retrieval
Entertainment Imaging Applications
Camera Networks and ‘vision ******** Imaging in Business
Medical Image Applications Pervasive Smart Cameras Human and Computer interaction
Digital Photography
Media Watermarking and Security
Multimedia Forensics
Mobile Imaging
Imaging for Culture Heritage Image-based Modeling and 30 Reconstruction
Stereo vision and Structure from Motion
Active and Robot ‘vision Optical Flow and Motion Analyses
Tracking and visual Navigation
‘video Surveillance and Event Detection
vision for Robotics
video Stabilization

Important Dates
Submission: New date:
November 25, 2024

within 4 weeks

as per acceptation letter

Camera Ready:
December 20, 2024
Organization Contacts: e-mail support@fti-tn.net
Mob. +21621008195

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