cFosSpeed 10.08 Build 2216 Final
برنامج الماني الصنع معترف به عالميا بزياده كفاءه اتصال الانترنت وتكامله مع
مكونات كارت LAN في الجهاز .. يضاعف البرنامج سرعه الاتصال الي 3 اضعاف واكثر وكذلك
يزيد من سرعه تحميل الملفات العاديه وملفات التورنت .. وافضل مميزاته هو تسريع العاب الانترنت والتي تتم بالمشاركه في اكثر من جهاز مع اصدقائك
cFosSpeed is an Internet Accelerator with Bandwidth Management and Traffic Shaping. It increases your throughput and reduces your Ping. Whenever you access the Internet with more than one data stream cFosSpeed can optimize the traffic. The program attaches itself as a device driver to the Windows network stack where it can then perform packet inspection and layer-7 protocol analysis. Ping optimizer plus packet prioritization. Traffic Shaping is a method for optimizing the Internet traffic. It allows maximum speed while ensuring minimal Ping. Outgoing traffic is not sent out indiscriminately. Instead, data packets are first queued and then sent out in order of their priority. This way, data that is needed immediately is transmitted before less time-critical data.
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