تخطى إلى المحتوى

composition unit 2

composition unit 2
A tsunami is a series of fast moving waves in the ocean caused by powerful earthquake. The tsunami started suddenly.

The region was quiet. The land was green and full of trees. The roads were paved. The houses were beautiful. The town were safety.

On December 26th 2024, the earthquake occurred and caused many destructions on the region.

It caused many effects on the region . People died, trees destroyed, houses damaged and even the whole towns destroyed.

If we searched such a great disaster we will find that people caused sins and bad deeds.

One of the great building is remaining whole and unharmed is mosque . It is the place of Allah which he likes and saves it and people who their hearts hanged.

So, this is the message for all creatures
"Be with Allah
Allah will be with you".

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