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Kimberly & Craig Fugate, Parents of Surprise Quads: ‘Taking It One Day at a Time’

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Kimberly & Craig Fugate, Parents of Surprise Quads: ‘Taking It One Day at a Time’

Kimberly & Craig Fugate, Parents of Surprise Quads: ‘Taking It One Day at a Time’

What a difference a fourth makes.

Kimberly and Craig Fugate of Jayess, Miss., knew to expect three new little babies, but on Feb. 8 a Surprise fourth daughter showed up.

"It’s all been rather overwhelming when you think about how many changes will have to be made," Fugate tells PEOPLE. "But I am just trying to take everything one day at a time. I know it will all work out."

The Fugates older daughter Katelyn, 10, is also excited about the family growing from three to seven.

"She is very excited and ready for them to come home so she can hold them," Fugate says.

Because Kimberly had to be hospitalized at 24 weeks pregnant, it didn’t leave a lot of time to get things ready for triplets, much less quadruplets.

"We don’t really have anything," she says. "I had to take a medical leave from work in November."

The new mom, 42, is just looking forward to holding her new brood. The family has set up a Facebook page, The Fugate Quadruplets for updates and information on the babies.

"I am recovering well," she says. "Still moving slow, but at least I’m moving. [The babies] have their ups and downs, but for the most part, they are doing well to be as premature as they were."

For now, the couple will be scrambling for car seats, a car that will fit their whole family (their current car is a 5-seater) and hopefully finding a bigger place than their current 2-bedroom mobile home.

With four new identical daughters at home, the family is considering strategies for telling them apart.

"Someone suggested painting a toenail a different color," Fugate says. "[I’m] not really sure."

"Carseats are my first concern right now," she says. "I will have to have four carseats to even get them home from the hospital. Then we will worry about strollers, walker, playpens, that type of thing later."

Kimberly & Craig Fugate, Parents of Surprise Quads: ‘Taking It One Day at a Time’ – Real People Stories : People.com

call me cynical but i’m guessing fertility drugs.

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