Woman named ‘McBurnie’ Arrested for Arson
Rebecca Rose
A perfectly named Maine Woman was Arrested for Arson following a series of fires she allegedly set on New Year’s Day.
According to WCHS6, Jackie McBurnie allegedly set two fires in her apartment on Jan. 1, which left 12 people homeless. Yes, that is her actual real name, no it is not a joke written by the creators of South Park, yes we didn’t believe it either and yes we all feel terrible for laughing at "McBurnie" the arsonist. (Well, a little terrible anyway.) The Associated Press reports the charged McBurnie for one of the fires so far:
Police say [McBurnie] set fire to her apartment on New Year’s Day. The fire was extinguished with minor damage, and followed 10 hours later by a second fire that destroyed the apartment building. Police say the Arson charge stems from the first fire, but added McBurnie is likely to face an additional Arson charge for the second fire.
WCHS6 reports McBurnie will likely face additional charges stemming from the second fire at her apartment. Plus, there are reportedly more fire-related crimes McBurnie is being investigated for, emphasis ours:McBurnie was a resident at the Bartlett Street address for a few months, said the Fire Marshal’s office. She was previously a resident at an apartment at 101 Birch Street in Lewiston. A fire in September destroyed the Birch Street building and left 24 people homeless. Fire investigators said they determined the fire started on a deck outside of McBurnie’s apartment. She has not been charged or listed as a suspect in the Birch Street fire.
This is still only a close second to the Woman who had the Most Florida Name Ever, Crystal Methany, who was Arrested for firing a missile into a car. The man named Donald Popadick who was arrested for indecent exposure rounds out the top three, naturally. (Honorable mention to marijuana advocate and "fuck-it-I-quit" ex-television reporter Charlo Greene.)
Image via Lewiston Police.