Life is like a book of mathematics. There are many chapters in it and as we go to higher classes the lessons become more complicated. If we fail to understand the principles right in the beginning, the lessons appear more complicated. In all the chapters, the principles are explained first and then some solved examples are given. After understanding both, we are supposed to solve unsolved problems. The real test of our knowledge comes there. Based upon our understanding of the principles and the solved examples given in the book we are able to tackle the sums. Every problem has a solution and there is a definite answer for each. The only difficulty is that we may not know them though they are given at the back of the book.
The same is true with life. What we learn from the book of life and its solved Problems is to be used for handling many unexpected and troubling situations. If lessons from the book of life are not understood properly or we are not attentive while our Problems are being solved by others, we find life miserable and all its Problems remain as they are. We then start blaming the world instead of enjoying it. If, on the other hand, we carefully understand the principles of life and apply them to real-life problems, life becomes enjoyable and enriching. Each problem of life has a solution and an answer. It is a different matter that we may not know it. God only hides it till the end of the book of life.
Let us, therefore, not consider that our Problems do not have a solution. If the solution is given to us by someone else, the whole charm of life will go. There may not be an immediate answer to some Problems but the answer definitely exists, and it may only take a little longer to reach them. Maybe, we have to learn how to read the book of life better
:smile (101):