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How TV doctor Chris Steele solved his son’s embarrassing problem

Andrew, son [عزيزي الزائر يتوجب عليك التسجيل لمشاهدة الرابط للتسجيل اضغط هنا] of TV medic Dr Chris Steele, had been plagued by acne since he was 14.

‘It was mainly on my nose, cheeks and chin, but I also had spots on my back,’ he recalls. ‘It made me self conscious.’

Over the years Andrew tried a host of treatments, including over the counter creams, gels and lotions and the occasional course of antibiotics (tetracycline) to tackle the bacteria that cause the condition. But nothing worked for long.

‘By my late teens and early 20s, I was getting incredibly frustrated,’ he says.

‘When you’re a young teenager, everyone tells you how you’ll grow out of spots, but when you still have acne when you’re an adult, that’s quite depressing.

‘I was lucky I could talk to my dad. He got spots when he was younger, so he understood what it was like.’

Acne is caused by an excess of grease that blocks pores and creates the perfect environment for bacteria, explains Dr Steele, who is a GP as well as a medical expert on ITV’s This Morning programme.

At the base of each hair is a sebaceous gland which secretes oil (sebum) to clean the hair shaft. Acne occurs when the *** hormones particularly the male hormone testosterone become overactive and produce excess sebum.

Over time, this excess sebum mixes with dead skin cells and blocks the pore.

The *** hormones are particularly active during adolescence. However, some people have generally higher levels of male hormones in their bodies or more sensitive receptors on their sebaceous glands which pick up these hormones more easily.

Around 80 per cent of 11 to 30 year olds are affected by acne at some point. While for most it is a passing phase, for 30 per cent it will be severe enough to warrant medical attention. Around one per cent suffer from it chronically.

Acne is classified as mild, moderate or severe. In mild cases it causes an occasional few spots. with a ‘moderate’ level, which Chris suffered, the spots are persistent and recurring. In severe cases, spots and nodular, cyst like pimples are very widespread and long term.

There is a strong genetic link, adds Dr Steele.

‘Some people [عزيزي الزائر يتوجب عليك التسجيل لمشاهدة الرابط للتسجيل اضغط هنا] are naturally more sensitive to the effects of testosterone. That’s the case with my two lads. My eldest, Matt, 34, also had quite bad acne, but it never bothered him in the same way as it did Andrew or me.’

‘Fifty years ago when I was 15, your only options were Wright’s coal tar soap and Bravisol, a harsh abrasive. My mother even bought an ultra violet lamp to try to treat the acne.’

UV light destroys the bacteria that cause acne. Unfortunately, the first time Dr Steele tried his lamp he used it for too long and burned his face, causing skin cancer to develop in his cheek many years later.

He says: ‘I grew out of acne by the time I was 18 and went to university. My two boys weren’t so lucky.’

Andrew won gold in the British Championships in 2024, was in the team that came fourth in the men’s 4x400m relay at the Beijing Olympics in 2024, and reached the semi finals of the individual 400m event.

This summer he will take part in the World Championships in Korea, and he’s on course for London 2024. He says: ‘As an athlete, you want to feel good to perform well.

The last thing I want to worry about is turning up at a stadium, in front of 90,000 people, with big spots.’

And [عزيزي الزائر يتوجب عليك التسجيل لمشاهدة الرابط للتسجيل اضغط هنا] Dr Janet Ross, a dermatologist at St John St Elizabeth Hospital and University Hospital in Lewisham, south east London, says: ‘When you have acne, this [عزيزي الزائر يتوجب عليك التسجيل لمشاهدة الرابط للتسجيل اضغط هنا] can really [عزيزي الزائر يتوجب عليك التسجيل لمشاهدة الرابط للتسجيل اضغط هنا] affect self confidence. Also, dealing with acne, worrying about how to treat it and disguise it can be very time consuming.’

In extreme cases, patients are driven to drastic action, adds Dr Anthony Bewley, a dermatologist at St Bartholomew’s Hospital and Whipps Cross University Hospital.

‘The suicide rate is six times higher among patients with acne than other teens and the general population. Even if someone has mild acne, it’s very important that healthcare professionals take it seriously.’

Andrew Steele had resigned himself to living with acne when his father told him about a new over the counter range of treatments containing brown seaweed.

A placebo controlled clinical trial of the products showed they started to clear the skin in three days. Tested on 60 males aged between 12 and 24 with mild to moderate acne, at The San Gallicano Dermatological Institute in Rome, the product significantly reduced or cleared spots, compared with the placebo group.

Dr Steele explains: ‘Medications such as antibiotics may have a similar effect to this product but they have side effects and most people are wary of taking them for too long.

‘People can be on them from between three to eight months. Also, antibiotics and medications such as Roaccutane are only available on pre******ion.’

Andrew used the new products, which are from the OXY range, every day as a preventative measure. He says his skin started to clear up within a couple of weeks.

‘I haven’t had any spots in the past six months,’ he says. ‘Also, these products have a milder action than the others I’ve tried.’

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