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Chelsea Handler told Jennifer Aniston: ‘Being friends with you is a burden’

Chelsea Handler told Jennifer Aniston: ‘Being friends with you is a burden’


On her friendship with Jennifer Aniston: “Everywhere I go, people ask me about Jennifer Aniston’s wedding. And I tell her, ‘Being friends with you is a burden. You think it’s hard to be friends with me? Do you know what it’s like to walk down a red carpet and [reporters] go ‘When are Jen and Justin [Theroux] getting married?’ like I’m in charge of that.”

Why she doesn’t joke about her famous friends: “My friends who are really private, whether they’re famous or not, I won’t talk about them. I do more than a lot of them are comfortable with, but I always joke around. I wouldn’t screw you over, I just wouldn’t do that.”

On Judaism (she’s half-Jewish): “It’s the only religion I identify with. It’s the only thing I knew growing up, so if I had to go to pray somewhere, I would go to a synagogue. That’s the only thing I know. Jews are underdogs — not in my world, obviously, they’re not. [But] there’s a lot of anti-Semitism going on.”

Why she left her E! show: “This isn’t a reason for leaving [my show], but if one more person asks me what it’s like to be the only woman in late night, I thought, ‘This is a good reason to stop being the only woman in late night, so I have to stop fielding the same idiotic question.’”

Being compared to other female comedians: “Journalists sometimes … they’ll say, ‘Do you think there’s a lot of similarities between you and Sarah Silverman? Or Lena Dunham? Or whoever? Amy Schumer?’ I’m like, ‘No, we’re just women.’ Just because we’re women doesn’t mean there are tons of similarities. Every single one of us is vastly different.”

[From HuffPo]

Cele|bitchy | Chelsea Handler told Jennifer Aniston: ‘Being friends with you is a burden’

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