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Great White Shark Heading to Texas

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Great White Shark Heading to Texas

Experts tracking Great White Shark say it may be bound for Texas

Associated Press 1:27 p.m. CDT June 17, 2024
Experts tracking a Great White Shark through the Gulf of Mexico have received electronic signals indicating the route could lead to Texas.(Photo: KVUE / Ochearch)


HOUSTON (AP) – Experts tracking a Great White Shark through the Gulf of Mexico have received electronic signals indicating the route could lead to Texas.
Data from the group Ocearch shows another "ping" was recorded Tuesday morning from the Shark dubbed Katharine.
The 14-foot Shark was tagged last August off Cape Cod, Massachusetts. The tag sends a signal when the 2,300-pound Shark comes to the surface. Officials did not immediate provide an estimated ******** Tuesday for Katharine.
The Houston Chronicle reports a satellite on Sunday put Katharine about 140 miles west of Sarasota, Florida. Researchers say in another week the westbound animal could be past the Mississippi River and eventually reach Texas.
Robert Hueter with the Mote Marine Laboratory in Sarasota says tags can last up to five years.

Experts tracking great white shark say it may be bound for Texas

I didn’t think Great whites were in warm water and the Gulf of Mexico is warmer than the Atlantic. Where’s Quint when you need him?!


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