The Day The Music Died: 55th Anniversary of the death of Buddy, Ritchie & JP

The Day The Music Died: 55th Anniversary of the death of Buddy, Ritchie & JP

The Day the Music Died: 55th Anniversary of Death of Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens :

It’s Been 55 Years Since ‘The Day the Music Died’

February 3, 1959 has become one of the most mythic days in rock ‘n’ roll history. It’s the day the 1947 Beechcraft Bonanza 35 carrying Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens and J.P. "The Big Bopper" Richardson crashed in an Iowa cornfield. To many, it’s simply the day the Music died.

Buddy Holly was touring with Ritchie Valens and The Big Bopper, on a jaunt that was scheduled to hit 25 Midwestern cities in three weeks. Angered by rough bus tours that left band members sick with the flu and one hospitalized with frostbite, Holly decided to charter a plane from Iowa to Minnesota.

The official investigation concluded that a combination of pilot error and poor weather conditions caused pilot Roger Peterson to lose control of the plane and crash.

One of the most famous stories surrounding the crash is that country star Waylon Jennings, a then-new addition to Holly’s backing band, surrendered his seat to the Big Bopper and elected to take a bus. According to Waylon Jennings’s autobiography, when Holly learned that Jennings was taking a bus instead, he told him, "Well, I hope your ol’ freezes up." Jennings responded, "Well, I hope your ol’ plane crashes," an ill-fated quip he said haunted him for the rest of his life.

Luck, bad and otherwise, surrounded the flight from the beginning: In Falling Stars: Air Crashes That Filled Rock and Roll Heaven, Rich Everitt says that Valens won his spot on the plane from guitarist Tommy Allsup in a coin toss. (Allsup later started a club called "Tommy’s Heads Up Saloon" in Fort Worth, Texas ****d after the fateful event.)

The first song to memorialize the event was actually Eddie Cochran’s "Three Stars," but of course Don McLean’s "American Pie" is the song most closely linked to the incident; after all, it’s where we got the phrase "the day the Music died."

The death benefit Aldaham

The death benefit Aldaham

The death benefit Aldaham

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Entourage Movie – Death on Set.

Entourage MovieDeath on Set.

12 Hours Ago

‘Entourage’ MovieDeath on Set
Tragedy struck on the set of the "Entourage" Movie today — TMZ has learned, a crew member’s dog got hit by a car and died.

Sources tell us, Tucker — a 1-year-old Aussie Shepherd — somehow escaped from a production trailer and darted onto busy Wilshire Blvd near downtown L.A.

We’re told Tucker was immediately taken to a nearby vet, but it was too late. The dog passed away from his injuries. Tucker was surrounded by friends and family at the time of his death.

Goodnight sweet prince