طلب هل وصلت شركة ايرون فوركس لمرحله النصب علي العملاء ؟؟؟؟ IRON Forex

طلب هل وصلت شركة ايرون فوركس لمرحله النصب علي العملاء ؟؟؟؟ IRON Forex

منذ 19 مارس الي الان والسحب معطل وانتظاري اول اسبوعين بحجه تحقيق وتم الانتهاء منه وارباحي شرعيه 100% كما يقول محمد علي مسؤول الحساب من الدعم الفني للشركه وحتي الدعم الاجنبي قال لي يوم 11 مايو الحالي
Evangelos Eok : sir funding department informed me that clients withdrawal transactions will be finalized approximately within the next two days since there was a queue created in funding department as per many clients requests for transactions, kindly allow some time and it should be processed soon.


في ملاحظيتين
لن اجد شكاوي كثيره في المنتديات من الشركه وبعد البحث وجدا في المنتدي موضوع ووجدت متحدث باسم الشركه يرد علي كل حاله وانا في انتظاره
وياريت لو في حل علشان ده حق وتعب شهور لان الحساب اشتغلت عليه من ديسمبر الي الان والسحب منذ 19 مارس الي الان ولا يوجد اى مانع للتاخير كما تحدث لي الدعم الفني

الامر بدا يخوف ويقلق طبعا معروف انها شركه غير قويه ولكن تجربتي الاولي بها 500 دولار اصبحت كارثيه حاليا بعد التاخير الغير مبرر في السحب

سؤالي لاهل الخبر هل الشركه في طريقها للنصب
وما هو العمل ؟؟

وبرجاء من المشرف عدم نقل الموضوع من القسم العام لفتره ولو يوم لتكون عبره والحذر لبقاي الاعضاء

الصور المصغرة للصور المرفقة خليجية

Risks International Exchange Forex Trading

Risks International Exchange Forex Trading
اخبار قطر الدوحة المقهى القطري
Make sure you know how to stop yourself from incurring more losses. Losing is a part of Forex Trading but to be successful in FX trading, you have to make sure that you don’t lose more than what you can afford and you don’t lose more than what you have gained.

The UK currency is Sterling and is in pounds and pence. currency Exchange is available at all Airports, High Street Banks, Hotels and other Money Exchangers. Do shop around however and watch for final commission charges.

Predicting waves or trends is the same as predicting the future; Few can do it, and fewer will. This is the next stage, being able to calculate potential success by comparing various factors, and stacking them to tilt odds in your direction. This is all speculation, of course, and nothing is for certain, to it’s important to remember the risk involved.

Interest Rates Differentials: interest rates are paid by the trader if he reserves some currencies to trade with and still opening the trade. The value of interest rate changes between one broker and other broker. This is one of the featured basics of forex.

The fixed rate that the gold standard would set and the stability it allowed would also be its major drawback. The stability gold would give would prevent the Exchange rates from changing to allow for a response to changes in a country’s circumstances. "Moreover, because the gold standard gives government very little discretion to use monetary policy, economies on the gold standard are less able to avoid or offset either monetary or real shocks" (Moffatt, 2024).

With the Seven Summits Trader (SST) or the High Velocity Market Master you can day trade, swing trade, or some combination of both. These systems are in fact universal. These systems work on every market out there and you change nothing but the symbol. How is that for simplicity? You will need to have between $5,000 and $10,000 to trade some markets so this is also something to consider when deciding on day or swing trading.

Most traders want to trade during the most active Forex market hours. This is because there is high volatility when the market is active. Those who want to make money need to play when there is volatility in the market. The most volatile times are at the end of the Asian, European and US session. At other times there are more subdued moves being made. People who trade at these hours will generally have to wait until volatility increases. Traders can save time by scheduling their day around active sessions.

The actuality is the currency Exchange market never stops, even on September eleven, 2001 you may still get your mits on two-side quotes on currencies. The foreign Exchange market is the largest and oldest finance market in the world. It is also called the foreign Exchange market, currency market for short.

Forex Trading is based on the same principle you may have experienced when traveling overseas. If you live in the US and take a vacation in Europe, you will need to Exchange some Dollars for Euros. You will probably need a sum in the thousands of dollars range. Your travel company will no doubt have purchased hotel accommodation on your behalf for your stay in Paris or Rome. Your Credit Card company will send you a bill when you return home, with your foreign purchases in Euros converted to US Dollars (plus a "small" fee of course).



مسابقة Forex Drive من MFX Broker

مسابقة Forex Drive من MFX Broker


مسابقة Forex Drive : اربح بأقصى سرعة !

هي مسابقة كبرى على الحسابات الحقيقية بجائزة اسبوعية تبلغ 1600 دولار وهي مسابقة عملت لأولئك الذين هم على استعداد للإثبات ان استراتيجيتهم هي الأفضل يمكن لجميع المتداولين المبتدئين والمحترفين المشاركة في المسابقة.

طريقة المشاركة في المسابقة :
سجل محفظتك الشخصية على MFX Broker
اكمل خطوات تفعيل حسابك
قم بايداع لا يقل عن 100 دولار
وانضم الى جولة المسابقة وانتظر بدايتها

رسوم المشاركة تبلغ 10 دولار

للإجابة على التساؤلات والاستفسارات يمكنك مراسلتنا على بريد الكتروني أو الفيس بوك

