Nicole Kidman: Swisse Celebrate Life Ball in Melbourne (6/13/2024)

Nicole Kidman: Swisse Celebrate Life Ball in Melbourne (6/13/2014)


Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban attend the Swisse Celebrate Life Ball in Melbourne, Australia on Friday night, June 13, 2024






Full Article(s) and More Pictures on
Nicole Kidman hits the red carpet to host Celebrate Life ball | Mail Online

صور Kylie Minogue – Channel 9 studios candids in Melbourne, Australia, July 21, 2024

صور images فضيحة فضائح Pictures 2024Kylie MinogueChannel 9 studios candids in Melbourne, Australia, July 21, 2024

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صور images فضيحة فضائح Pictures 2024Kylie MinogueChannel 9 studios candids in Melbourne, Australia, July 21, 2024

Real Housewives of Melbourne on Bravo

Real Housewives of Melbourne (Australia) on Bravo

Bravo Media travels 10,000 miles to the land "Down Under" with the acquisition of The Real Housewives of Melbourne. The 12-episode series follows the lavish lives of six successful Melbourne socialites — Gina Liano (i thought she was an actual transvestite when the show started), Andrea Moss (super controlling over her children and her plastic surgeon husband looks like patrick bateman), Chyka Keebaugh (her husband may or may not be gay…), Janet Roach (her plastic surgery is very distracting), Lydia Schiavello (her relationship with one of her stepsons is VERY close) and Jackie Gillies (it kills me how hot she thinks her husband is and how famous he must be because he’s an "international rock star from the band silverchair" LOL) — as they live life on their own terms and enjoy the pampered and cultured lifestyle that the "world’s most liveable city" has to offer. The Season concludes with a two-part Reunion Special hosted by famed Australian fashion designer, Alex Perry. Whether they are established business women soaking-up the single life or married to some of the most established men in the city, these Australian bomb*****s will show no shortage of extravagance and high end drama. From glamorous cocktail parties to weekend getaways at exclusive resorts, sparks are sure to fly and the friendships and relationships are put to the ultimate test. Life is not one big beach party, however, as Janet adapts to the single life after divorcing her cheating husband and Gina struggles with a long distance relationship and a rumored affair.

The Real Housewives of Melbourne | Bravo TV Official Site

has anyone seen this? is this what Melbourne is like? the accents are what i think a put-on australian accent would sound like.