CDAN October 05th 2024 – 10 Blind Items

CDAN October 05th 2014 – 10 Blind Items

Blind Item #1
This former B list singer was once the significant other of this A+ list mostly movie actress but they split because he couldn’t stop cheating. Even though he is married now to someone else, the cheating remains. He was at gathering of celebrities for a special charity event involving only celebrities and ended up hooking up with this foreign born B- list mostly movie actress who is always willing to get naked on a red carpet or a movie.
Popular Guess: Eric Benét

Blind Item #2
This foreign born A list reality star/celebrity/model is head over heels in love with her significant other. In this space before I ********ed how he likes her, but hates her baggage. They tried again this past week and he still can’t handle the baggage. They fought in public multiple times at the ******** where they were and have not spoken to each other since that day ended.
Popular Guess: Heidi Klum and Vito Schnabel

Blind Item #3
This C- list celebrity would not even be on a list if not for her A+ list significant other. She is hoping to get pregnant, but he refuses to have sex with her and is just having sex with his usual assortment of hookers and one of his exes. He won’t split with the C lister though because she never signed a confidentiality agreement and it will cost him plenty of money now to get her to sign. Low seven figures is what she told her friends she wants.
Popular Guesses: Brett Rossi and Charlie Sheen, Suki Waterhouse and Bradley Cooper

Blind Item #4
This married B list singer/reality host is hooking up with a contestant on the show but she had to withdraw from the show to keep seeing him and did so. They are together right now, but she is going to be sorry she gave up her chance when they inevitably split.
Popular Guess: Blake ****ton

Blind Item #5
The B and C list celebrities that pose for photos with this new product have one thing in common. They all need the work and are all willing to sleep with the owner of the company to get the work. So, next time you see someone posing with the product or wearing something promoting this new product, you will know what the person did to get the job.
Popular Guesses: Lyfe tea, Arma Energy Snx

Blind Item #6
The B list mostly movie actress with A+ list name recognition is about to get her perfect princess world shattered because the wife of the guy she has been hooking up with discovered her identity. The wife thought the guy was just leaving the marriage because they were not getting along. This is going to be messy.
Popular Guess: Katie Holmes

Blind Item #7
The producers of this cable reality show that started a new season this past week really wanted to shake things up and also have this former A- list reality star turned actress turned network reality star turned celebrity on their show. The problem is she couldn’t find a guy to go on the show with her even after she offered to give them half her paycheck.

Blind Item #8
This actress is B list. She should really be C list but she is on a show even though no one watches it and is married to an A+ list mostly movie actor. She is also a diva and thinks she is so important and special. In the city where she is filming she goes to a gym and always wears sunglasses inside. When no one recognized her then she started carrying tabloids with the pages open to her face. It is truly pathetic.
Popular Guess: Jenna Dewan

Blind Item #9
Now that this B list celebrity/host has come into much more money than she had, her ex told her about a tape he made of the two of them. She knows about the tape, but he is in some financial trouble and is trying to sell it to her or threatening its release.
Popular Guess: Melissa Rivers

Blind Item #10
This former Real Housewife finds out where Real Housewives Beverly Hills is going to be shooting and tries to get in the shot or get herself involved in the filming almost every day.
Popular Guesses: Joanna Krupa, Gretchen Rossi

Crazy Days and Nights: blind item

CDAN October 25th 2024 – 9 Blind Items

CDAN October 25th 2014 – 9 Blind Items

Blind Item #1
This former A list singer back in the day is accusing this former A list singer/reality star/celebrity of stealing almost $1M from him in a scam that she orchestrated with her ex. Considering how she runs through money like water and never seems to face any accountability for her actions, it doesn’t surprise me at all. The victim is trying to settle things before going to the police.
Popular Guesses: Jennifer Lopez, Mel B, Toni Braxton for the A list

Blind Item #2
No matter how much they might say otherwise during their show, this Vanderpump Rules star charges by the month. Better than charging by the hour I guess.
Popular Guess: Jax

Blind Item #3
This former A list talk show host turned B list host turned A- list host turned no host at all where it really matters still has A+ list name recognition and an A+ list diva temper to go with it. At a charity event the other night, our former host was trying to get into the event and there was a crowd and she started screaming the don’t you know who I am and get out of my way and don’t even think of taking my photo was heard. She was just being the biggest pain and everyone was totally turned off by her behavior. She was awful to everyone.
Popular Guesses: Star Jones, Katie Couric

Blind Item #4
This former Twilight actress has a new love. What she hasn’t figured out yet is the reason he disappears for a day or two every couple of weeks is his massive substance abuse problem. It is his way of escaping. It used to be once every few months and has now become a once every two week thing.

Blind Item #5
There is no such thing as charity for this B list reality star from an A list network reality show. At a charity event last week she wasn’t getting paid so she lined up designers and brands who would pay her for wearing their stuff at the event. She made a couple of thousand bucks and would have made more but the organizers made her wear one of their t-shirts instead of the one she had planned to wear for money.
Popular Guess: Julianne Hough

Blind Item #6
Even though she is living with her mother, this C list celebrity offspring is using again. This kind of thing happens when the mother gets wasted and passes out. Not setting a very good example.
Popular Guess: Tallulah Willis and Demi Moore

Blind Item #7
This way underage A list Disney star was at an event the other day with people her age and after 30 minutes called an end to it declaring to her PR person that she needed vodka in a hurry and was tired of doing the same crap everyday.
Popular Guess: Bella Thorne

Blind Item #8
This A list mostly movie actress turned television actress who was also television way back in the day had her hair extensions yanked out by her husband the other day when he came to visit their child and our actress got into a fight with her husband.
Popular Guess: Halle Berry and Olivier Martinez

Blind Item #9
This former A list tweener not named Zac Efron was hanging out with his drug dealer friend who he had not been seen with in a few months. The last time they were together our tweener almost died.
Popular Guesses: Joe Jonas, Justin Bieber

Crazy Days and Nights: blind item

Crazy Days and Nights: Blind Items Revisted
Considering the events of the week, I thought I would take another look at this blind.

February 7, 2024

This very popular reality show family got quite the surprise when they discovered that a daughter in the family became pregnant by a crew member on the show. The crew member was "reassigned" to other duties. You all think you know the family but you might want to think outside the box and a different cable network than you are probably guessing too.
Popular Guess: Honey Boo Boo