صورة باسكال مشعلاني وأحمد رزق وجهاً لوجه في "Back to School"

صورة.. باسكال مشعلاني وأحمد رزق وجهاً لوجه في "Back to School"
النجمة اللبنانية تتحدى الفنان المصري في البرنامج الذي يعود بهما إلى أيام الدراسة الجميلة.

Teacher Arrested After Writing Futuristic Novel About School Shooting

Teacher Arrested After Writing Futuristic Novel About School Shooting

Cambridge Mace’s Lane Middle School Teacher on Administrative Leave

خليجيةPatrick McLaw

CAMBRIDGE, Md.- He’s a man with many names, and the books he has written have raised the concerns of the Dorchester County Board of Education and the Dorchester County Sheriff’s Office.

Early last week the School board was *****ed that one of its eighth grade ******** arts teachers at Mace’s Lane Middle School had several aliases. Police said that under those names, he wrote two fictional books About the largest School Shooting in the country’s history set in the future. Now, Patrick McLaw is placed on leave.

Dr. K.S. Voltaer is better known by some in Dorchester County as Patrick McLaw, or even Patrick Beale. Not only was he a Teacher at Mace’s Lane Middle School in Cambridge, but according to Dorchester Sheriff James Phillips, McLaw is also the author of two books: "The Insurrectionist" and its sequel, "Lillith’s Heir."

Those books are what caught the attention of police and School board officials in Dorchester County. "The Insurrectionist" is About two School shootings set in the future, the largest in the country’s history.

Phillips said McLaw was taken in for an emergency medical evaluation. The sheriff would not disclose where McLaw is now, but he did say that he is not on the Eastern Shore. The same day that McLaw was taken in for an evaluation, police swept Mace’s Lane Middle School for bombs and guns, coming up empty.

Dorchester County Superintendent of Schools Dr. Henry Wagner said the Dorchester County Board of Education has taken its own action.

"We have advised our community that the gentleman has been placed on administrative leave, and has been prohibited from entering any Dorchester County public School property," Wagner said.

The 23-year-old ******** arts Teacher had already taught at the School for a year.

With School starting Tuesday, some parents tell WBOC they are concerned About safety, but both Wagner and Phillips said there is nothing to worry about.

"There will be a Cambridge Police Department presence at Mace’s Lane middle School for as long as we deem it necessary," Wagner said.

"I think that the various police agencies that we have, working in conjunction with the board have a handle on the situation and I think we’re going to have a safe and happy opening day of School tomorrow," Phillips said in an interview Monday with WBOC..
Phillips said law enforcement across Delmarva have been sent McLaw’s photo and information. The sheriff said McLaw is banned from county properties in Dorchester and Wicomico counties, as well as the Delmar School District.

Cambridge Mace’s Lane Middle School Teacher on Administrative Le – WBOC-TV 16, Delmarvas News Leader, FOX 21 –

From another article I’ve read the book is apparently set 1000 years in the future, this guy is not the registered owner of any firearms and the "aliases" are actually the nom de plumes he writes under.

I really don’t understand the heavy handed reaction to this – a 9 year old is considered responsible enough to be given an Uzi to shoot (until it was tragically proven otherwise) but a fully grown Teacher who writes a book is slammed by the law and faces losing his academic career for Writing About a subject that has to be in the mind of anyone who works in the US School system. /smh

.Why girls do better at school than boys .

.Why girls do better at school than boys .

A three- minute video

For centuries, boys were top of the class. But these days, that’s no longer the case.

A new study by the OECD, a club of mostly rich countries, examined how 15-year-old boys and girls performed at reading, mathematics and science. boys still score somewhat better at maths, and in science the genders are roughly equal. But when it comes to the students who really struggle, the difference is stark: boys are 50% more likely than girls to fall short of basic standards in all three areas.

Why are girls performing better at school than their male classmates?

First, girls read more than boys. Reading proficiency is the basis upon which all other learning is built. When boys don’t do well at reading, their performance in other school subjects suffers too.

Second, girls spend more time on homework. On average, girls spend five and a half hours per week doing homework while boys spend a little less than four and a half hours. Researchers suggest that doing homework set by teachers is linked to better performance in maths, reading and science. Boys, it appears, spend more of their free time in the virtual world; they are 17% more likely to play collaborative online games than girls every day. They also use the internet more.

Third, peer pressure plays a role. A lot of boys decide early on that they are just too cool for school. They adopt a concept of masculinity that includes a disregard for authority, which means they’re more likely to be rowdy in class. Teachers mark them down for this. In anonymous tests, boys perform better. In fact, the gender gap in reading drops by a third when teachers don’t know the gender of the pupil they are marking.

So what can be done to close this gap? Getting boys to do more homework and cut down on screen-time would help. And offering boys a chance to read non-fiction would help too: they’re keener on comics and newspapers. But most of all, abandoning gender stereotypes would benefit all students. boys in countries with the
best schools read much better than girls. And girls in Shanghai excel in mathematics.

They outperform boys from anywhere else in the world.
:smile (101):

صور كندة علوش تتحدى خالد سليم في "Back to School"

صور.. كندة علوش تتحدى خالد سليم في "Back to School"
فكرة البرنامج تدور حول استعراض كواليس الطفولة للضيوف، ويعرض البرنامج صورا وحكايات لأول مرة عن هذه المرحلة في حياتهم

صور باسم ياخور ودرة في "Back To School"

صور.. باسم ياخور ودرة في "Back To School"
عمرو يوسف فاجأ ضيفيه بحضور أصدقائهما القدامى، فيما رحب أصدقاء ياخور بزميلهم القديم على طريقتهم الخاصة.

صور فؤاد يتحدى هند صبري في "Back to School"

صور.. فؤاد يتحدى هند صبري في "Back to School"
البرنامج يعرض كواليس مرحلة الطفولة لكل من الفنانين وصور وحكايات تظهر للمرة الأولى.

صور سابا تنشر كواليس "back to school"

صور.. سابا تنشر كواليس "back to school"
الفنانة اللبنانية تنشر صورا تجمعها بكل من الفنان حسن الرداد، وعمر يوسف، وأمير شاهين وياسمين هلال.

What`s school like ?? Writing

What`s school like ?? Writing
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله و بركاتة
ورقة عمل بمساعدة اعضائنا الحلوين
ارجوا ان تستفيدون منها
درس الرايتنق الوحده الثانية What`s school like?
اي انتقاد اتقبله بصدر رحب فمنكم استفيد
جزاكم الله خير

الملفات المرفقة خليجية worksheet 6.doc‏ (55.5 كيلوبايت)

Kanye West Receives Honorary Doctorate at School Of Art Institute Of Chicago

Kanye West Receives Honorary Doctorate at School Of Art Institute Of Chicago

Kanye West Receives Honorary Doctorate – Listen to His Acceptance Speech at SAIC!


Kanye West flashes a big smile while receiving an Honorary Doctorate at School Of Art Institute Of Chicago on Monday (May 11) in Chicago, Ill.
“When I was giving a lecture at Oxford, I brought up this School because when I went out on that mission to create other spaces — apparel, film, performance — it would’ve been easier if I could have said I had a degree at the Art Institute of Chicago,” the 37-year-old rapper shared during his speech. Listen to his speech below!
PHOTOS: Check out the latest pics of Kanye West
In case you didn’t know, Kanye had dropped out of the School of Art Institute of Chicago at the age of 20 to pursue music.


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