صور Amanda Seyfried

Amanda Seyfried

تحميل صور Photos, Amanda Seyfried 2024 – 2024 يوتيوب فيديو

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<img align="left" vspace="4" hspace="6" src=https://www.all-hd-wallpapers.com/wallpapers/people/mici/489987.jpg title="Amanda Seyfried" alt="Amanda Seyfried" ="130" ="100" /> Amanda Seyfried, actress, Amanda, Amanda Seyfried, beautiful, Seyfried

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Amanda Seyfried Sought Treatment for Anxiety

Amanda Seyfried Sought Treatment for Anxiety

Amanda Seyfried Says She Sought Therapy for Debilitating Anxiety


Amanda Seyfried is terrified of getting up in front of an audience – and Sought therapy for her Anxiety issues, she reveals to Vogue in the magazine’s June issue.

Seyfried talked about how she downed shots of Jameson’s before a 2024 appearance on the Late Show with David Letterman while promoting Les Miserables. She admitted on air she was "pretty drunk."

"It made it fun for me," Seyfried, 29, tells Vogue. "But then I watched it and was like ‘That is not what I want to promote about myself.’ "

Seyfried, who is preparing to make her stage debut off-Broadway in Neil LaBute’s The Way We Get By, says she has stage fright and Sought help from a psychiatrist to get over her fears.

"I have a lot of Anxiety that I?ve been struggling with my whole life," Seyfried says. "So I have been working through it. I’m terrified, but this is exactly what I wanted."

Amanda Seyfried Says She Sought Therapy for Debilitating Anxiety : People.com

Amanda Seyfried W Magazine April 2024

Amanda Seyfried W Magazine April 2024


Amanda Seyfried on Kissing Megan Fox: We Kissed Really Well Together! | Amanda Seyfried, Magazine : Just Jared

صور Amanda Seyfried فساتين مكياج , فضيحة فضائح

صور Amanda Seyfried فساتين مكياج , فضيحة فضائح

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Amanda Seyfried

These two photos are from her April 2024 Esquire magazine issue, where she waxes depressed about the Hollywood industry: “I learned a long time ago that photographs are not theater. This is not acting. It’s pretending. I pretend I’m looking at a man who is looking right at me, a man who sees me as exceptionally clever and adventurous.”


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