If you saw someone standing by the road on a cold, rainy night, would you stop to help

If you saw someone standing by the road on a cold, rainy night, would you stop to help

The Stranger
by Sue Baugh

Late one Saturday night, a young man was driving home on a deserted stretch of road. He could hear the rain beating against the roof of his car. His headlights cut through a cold mist that clung to the trees on either side of the road. In the flashes of lightning, tree branches seemed like ghostly hands grasping for his car. He could feel the steady drum roll of thunder. What a night to be out! He shivered and wished he were safe at home.
Suddenly, as he rounded a curve, his headlights lit up a young woman standing by the side of the road. Her hair and white dress were soaked from the rain. She looked so alone. He couldn’t just leave her there.
The young man skidded to a stop, then backed up until he could see her face in the ******** He leaned over and opened the door.
“Would you like a ride?”
She nodded and he reached out his hand to help her into the car. He shivered at her touch – her hand was so cold!
She smiled at him and said, “Can you take me home? I only live a mile away.”
Now that she was sitting beside him, he could see how beautiful she was. Dark hair framed her face, and her eyes seemed unusually large and sad.
“Sure,” he said. “You must be freezing.” He took off his letter jacket and gave it to her.
“I’m always cold,” she said, and held her hands up to the heater.
He drove ahead, and glanced at her.
“Why were you walking home?” he asked. “Did you have a fight with your boyfriend?”
She didn’t answer. Instead she gazed out the window as they passed a school and a small church. He turned the corner onto a tree-lined street whose cheerful homes seemed warm and safe in the storm.
She sat up. “There’s my house, the two story one on the corner.”
He stopped the car next to the walk leading up to the house. He circled around to the passenger side and helped her out. Her hand still felt like ice. He walked her to the front door, wondering what it would be like to kiss her. They stood on the front porch for a moment, then suddenly she leaned over and kissed him! Before he could say anything, she stepped into the house and closed the door.
He stood staring after her, too astonished to move. Then he turned and walked slowly back to his car. It wasn’t until he was behind the wheel that he remembered his letter jacket. She was still wearing it.
He looked back at the house, but it was dark, and her parents were probably asleep. He didn’t want to wake them up and get her in trouble. Then he smiled. The jacket gave him the perfect excuse to see her again.
The next morning he drove back to the house and rang the bell. An older woman answered the door. She had the same dark hair and sad eyes as the girl.
“Excuse me, can I talk to your daughter?”
“My daughter?” The woman’s eyes filled with tears. “Laura died a year ago last night, in a car accident. It happened about a mile from here.
The young man gasped in disbelief. “But …but I gave her a ride home last night! I walked her to the door, right here. I saw her go inside the house.”
The woman shook her head. “That can’t be. She died a year ago, young man.
She’s buried in the church graveyard around the corner. Go see for yourself – she’s in the third row from the front.”
The young man walked down the road to the church. He realized it was the same one they had driven past the night before. The small graveyard was behind the church. He found what he was looking for in the third row.
A white marble headstone was inscribed with the name Laura. The date of death was exactly one year and one day ago. Then he saw something that chilled his blood. There beside the headstone was his letter jacket, neatly folded on the wet grass.



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Do they know it’s time to stop band aid?

Do they know it’s time to stop band aid?

DO they know it’s time TO stop band AID?

The re-release of band Aid’s “Do they know it’s Christmas” (this time, to raise funds in the fight against Ebola) has been a huge commercial success – the single, which features everyone from Harry Styles to Bono singing lines, shot to the top of the national charts on its release on Monday and generated over $2m-worth of cash for the cause in the first five minutes of its release.

By the time Christmas actually comes, the fundraising single, a re-worked version of the original first released 30 years ago (sample lyric: "A kiss of love can kill you / And there’s death in every tear") will probably have raised in the region of $10m.

So, what’s not to like?

Plenty, to judge by the furious reaction the song has prompted in the UK national conversation, with a series of accusations that the song is patronizing, racist, counter-productive, reinforces stereotypes and even disrespectful to the predominantly Muslim population of Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea, who don’t celebrate Christmas.

The debate became particularly heated when a Liberian academic, Robtel Pailey, and the original Live Aid promoter Harvey Goldsmith went head to head on the BBC’s flagship current affairs radio program, Today.

Pailey said the song “reinforced stereotypes” and said it described the continent as “unchanging and frozen in time,” adding, “it ‘others’ Africa in many ways…it refers to ‘them versus us’ and that’s incredibly patronizing and problematic.”

(In fact, the original line, “Tonight thank God it’s them instead of you,” has been replaced with, ‘Well tonight we’re reaching out and touching you.’)

Goldsmith replied, “Does that mean we have to sit back and do nothing?”

Miss Pailey said band Aid should have supported African artists, such as Liberian musicians D12 and Kuzzy, who have released similar tracks to raise money for Ebola.

Goldsmith replied he had never heard of them.

The increasingly vicious debate has since migrated into newspaper columns and TV.

British-Ghanian rapper Fuse ODG wrote in The Guardian that he was "sick of the whole concept of Africa … always being seen as diseased, infested and poverty-stricken."

Janice Turner, in the Times, wrote, “How outdated the band Aid single feels. A bunch of old, white, rock titans come together with young, white, X Factor hotties to persuade Britain to heal Africa. Shuffle the lyrics of Do they know it’s Christmas to replace famine with ebola. Bish, bosh; that’ll do. … The record is raising money but it could have raised spirits too if Bob Geldof had reined in his ego. Why not have Harry Styles, Chris Martin, Bono et al play alongside musicians from Sierra Leone, Guinea and Liberia?”

Sir Bob, 63, responded with his usual colorful ******** to his critics. Appearing on Sky News he said (twice, much to the newscaster’s dismay) that critics who said band Aid should “stay silent” were “talking bollocks.”

Jack Lundie, Director of Communications for the British charity Oxfam, defended the single to the Daily Beast. “I think the debate is so heated because people really care passionately about changing the world,” he said. “And there is frustration, because it sometimes feels like stuff isn’t changing. And as a sector, we don’t tell the story of progress well enough.”

He said he supported the band Aid single as a “mainstream charitable initiative” that would “bring in people who wouldn’t normally engage”.

Of the song itself, and the criticism the Christmas-based lyrics have received, Mr Lundie said, “Band Aid is raising money to fight Ebola. The bottom line is that Ebola is terrible and the world is not doing enough. But if we define our approach by an over-literal analysis of pop lyrics, we will end up on a road to nowhere.

“Its cheesy pop. But if people really want to talk about the line, well, clearly, the song is not questioning whether people in the countries affected by Ebola know there is a holiday on the 25th of December.”


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