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The Wedding of Prince Carl Philip of Sweden and Sofia Hellqvist (6/13/2024)

The Wedding of Prince Carl Philip of Sweden and Sofia Hellqvist (6/13/2015)

The wedding celebrations begins June 12 – Sveriges Kungahus [NS4 version]

The Wedding celebrations begins June 12

The Royal Wedding between Prince Carl Philip and Miss Sofia Hellqvist will take place in the Royal Chapel at the Royal Palace of Stockholm on Saturday June 13,2020 at 4.30pm.

On Friday June 12, the Wedding celebrations will begin with a private dinner for invited guests.

The bride and groom and their invited guests will travel with S/S Stockholm to the private dinner.

The wedding celebrations begins June 12 – Sveriges Kungahus [NS4 version]

Live stream link, the Wedding ceremony takes place on Saturday, June 13,2020 at 16.30 Swedish time (https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter):

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