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Valeria Lukyanova hates kids and believes race mixing ruins beauty

Valeria Lukyanova (the human Barbie) hates kids and believes race mixing ruins beauty

Like this freak knows anything about beauty….

Human Barbie Tells GQ She’s Repulsed by Kids, Says Mixed Races Have Ruined Beauty Standards | E! Online

News/ human Barbie Tells GQ She’s Repulsed by Kids, Says Mixed Races Have Ruined beauty Standards


Valeria Lukyanova has transformed herself to look like a spitting image of a real-life Barbie doll.

And while this wouldn’t be the first time that someone emulated the famous toy, this is the first time that GQ magazine has taken readers inside the mind of the controversial 28-year-old.

Lukyanova proudly admits to being obsessed with all things Barbie and claims that "Everyone wants a slim figure. Everyone gets breasts done. Everyone fixes up their face if it’s not ideal, you know? Everyone strives for the golden mean. It’s global now."

And while the only surgery that Lukyanova will admit to having is breast implants, it’s fairly clear by her appearance that she’s Barbified herself in other ways.

It’s quite possible that the only thing bigger than Lukyanova’s bust size is her ambition.

The blonde has her sights set on grabbing the world’s attention and told the magazine’s Russian editor in chief that she cringes at the thought settling down with a family of her own in the future.

"It’s unacceptable to me," she explained. "The very idea of children brings out this deep revulsion in me…I’d rather die from torture because the worst thing in the world is to have a family lifestyle."

And just to drive the point home, Lukyanova added, "I’m against feminism…what would you keep the children for? So they can get you a glass of water when you’re on your deathbed?"

Her opinionated views didn’t end there, unfortunately.

Lukyanova slammed people of mixed races, calling them a "degeneration" of beauty.

"For example, a Russian marries an Armenian, they have a kid, a cute girl, but she has her dad’s nose. She goes and files it down a little, and it’s all good. Ethnicities are mixing now, so there’s degeneration, and it didn’t used to be like that," she told the publication.

"Remember how many beautiful women there were in the 1950s and 1960s, without any surgery? And now, thanks to degeneration, we have this. I love this Nordic image of myself. I have white skin; I am a Nordic type—perhaps a little Eastern Baltic, but closer to Nordic."

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